
Chapter No. 10 – Special Purpose Books I – Cash Book – T.S. Grewal 11 Class – Book Solution


Cash Book - T.S. Grewal 11 Class - Book Solution


In this article we have provided the Question wise solution of the all Questions of a chapter of Ledger – T.S. Grewal 11 Class – Book Solution But first of all we have explained the meaning of journal: – 

1. What is Cash Book:


In Cashbook, we will record the all-cash transaction of the business. This book keeps the record of all cash payment and cash receipts. it is the book of original entries because first of all, we record the all-cash transaction in this book and then posted these transactions into the various ledger accounts.

Here are the Four types of Cash Books shown below:

For more Explanation please check out the following link: –

Cash Book | Types of Cash Book | Subsidiary Books


Chapter No. 10 – Special Purpose Books I – Cash Book – T.S. Grewal 11 Class – Book Solution

Question wise solution of the all Questions of Chapter No. 10 – Special Purpose Books I – Cash Book- T.S. Grewal 11 Class – Book Solution are shown below: –

Check out T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019 @ Oficial Website of Sultan Chand Publication

T.S. Grewal's Double Entry Book Keeping

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping


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