Question 18 Chapter 4 -Unimax Publication Class 12 Part 2 – 2021

Question no- 18 Chapter no -4 Unimax Class- 12 Part -II
Question no- 18 Chapter no -4 Unimax Class- 12 Part -II

Question 18 Chapter 4 – Unimax Publication Class 12 Part 2 – 2021

From the following particulars furnished by ABC Ltd., prepares the balance sheet as at 31st March, 2022 as required by Part 1 Schedule 3 of the Companies Act, 2013. Give necessary notes at the foot of balance sheet.

Particulars Debit ₹  Credit ₹
Equity share capital (face value of ₹ 100 each)   10,00,000
Land and Building 5,50,000  
Plant and Machinery 5,25,000  
Furniture 50,00  
General reserve   2,10,000
Loan form state financial corporation   1,50,000
Calls in arrears 1,000  
Stock in Raw Materials 50,00  
Stock of finished goods 2,00,000  
Provision for taxation   68,000
Sundry debtors 2,00,000  
Dividend   60,000
Profit and Loss account   1,00,000
Cash in hand 30,000  
Cash at bank 2,47,000  
Preliminary expenses 13,300  
Unsecured Loans   1,21,000
Sundry creditors   2,00,000
Advance 42,700  
Total 19,09,000 19,09,000

Additional information:

(1) Miscellaneous expenses included ₹ 5,000 audit fee and ₹ 700 for out of pocket expenses paid to the auditors.
(2) 2,000 equity shares were issued for consideration other than cash.
(3) Debtors of ₹ 52,000 are due for more than six months.
(4) The cost of assets : land and Building ₹ 4,00,000, Plant and Machinery ₹ 7,00,000, Furniture ₹ 63,500.
(5) The balance of ₹ 1,50,000 in the loan account with state Financial corporation is inclusive of ₹ 7,500 for interest accrued but not due. The loan is secured by hypothecation of plant and machinery.
(6) Balance at bank includes ₹ 2,000 with perfect bank Ltd., which is not a scheduled bank.
(7) Bill Receivable for ₹ 2,75,000 maturing on 30th June, 2021 have been discounted.
(8) The company had contract for the erection of Machinery at ₹ 1,50,000 which is still incomplete.

The solution of Question 18 Chapter 4 – Unimax Publication Class 12 Part 2- 2021 : –

Balance sheet of ABC Ltd. As At 31st March 2022

Particulars   Note Amount ₹
Equity and Liabilities      
Share capital      
10,000 equity shares of 100 10,00,000    
– Calls in arrears (1,000)   9,99,000
Reserve and Surplus      
Gen. reserve 2,10,000    
Profit & Loss (cr. balance) 1,00,000    
– Preliminary exp. (13,300)   2,96,700
Non-Current Liabilities      
Long term borrowing      
Loan for state financial corporation      1,42,500
Insecured loan     12,10,000
Current Liabilities      
Trade payable – creditors     2,00,000
Short term provisions      
Taxation     68,000
Dividend     60,000
Other current liabilities – o/s interest     7,500
Non-Current Assets      
Fixed Assets      
Non-current investment   1 11,25,000
Current Assets     Nil
R. Material 50,000    
Finished stock 2,00,000   2,50,000
Trade Receivable      
Debtors     2,00,000
Cash and cash equivalent
Cash on hand 30,000    
Cash at bank 2,47,000   2,77,000
Short term loan and advance     42,700

Note :1

Fixed Assets

Particulars Details Amount ₹
Land   4,00,000
Addition   1,50,000
Plant 7,00,000  
-Dep. 1,75,00 5,25,000
Furniture 63,500  
-Dep. 13,500 50,000

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Financial Statements of a Company and Its formats


Unimax Publication – Accountancy PSEB Class 12 – Volume I – Solution

Unimax Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Part – II – Solution

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