GST Invoice Format In India is so crucial because this document explains the whole transaction between seller and buyer of goods/services and this is the proof of supplies of goods by the supplier (who sell goods) to the buyer.
Definition of invoice by Oxford: –
“A list of goods sent or services provided, with a statement of the sum due for these; a bill.”
1. GST Invoice Format: –
So, when you are forming your invoice you have to enter the following Details into it: –
1.Bill to
- Name
- Address (Both Billing as well as shipping)
- GST IN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number)
2. Ship to
If the shipping address different from the billing address then you have to mention it on the invoice rather than it will be same as the billing address
3. Supplier Details
- Name
- Address
4. Invoice Number
5. Invoice Date: – In case the supply of goods date will be that date when an actual supply of goods are made.
6. Items Description: –
- Name of Items
- HSN Code
- Quantity
- MOU (Measurement of Units)
- Rate per Units
- Total Taxable amount
7. Shipping Charges (If any)
8. GST(Tax) Details: –
- Type of Tax
- Rate (%) of Tax
- Amount of Tax
9. Must Mention the Name of Copy on Invoice: – it has a three type of copies as following
- Original Invoice: – It is for the buyer
- Duplicate Invoice: – It is for the transporter
- Triplicate Invoice: – It is for the supplier himself
10. Terms and Condition of supply of Goods (If Any): –
11. Signature or Digital Signature
The Format of Invoice under GST: –
It can be different as per your convenience but we have provided you with one simple format in the following example, you will understand much better format of GST (TAX) Invoice with it: –
Download GST offline Invoice Generator software for free
Please to this page to know how to run this software?
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