Advanced Financial Accounting Class 12 Tutorial is the most important subject in commerce because most of the students will use this subject as their profession. Accounting is the back born in every business enterprise, So if you will start your own business then you will definitely use financial accounting on daily basis.
We are providing all topics according to the class 12 syllabus of Financial Accounting or Bookkeeping for free of cost. So first of all we will discuss the meaning of Financial Accounting.
Meaning of Advanced Financial Accounting:
Basic or initial level accounting in which we are recording, summarising and analyzing day to day transactions of a particular business is called financial accounting. and at the end, we will get to know about the financial position of a business or an organization by preparing the Profit/loss and balance sheet of the business in a particular financial year.

In this Financial Accounting Class 11 Tutorial, we will cover the whole topics related to the subject of Financial Accounting for Class 11. We have explained the all topic with the help of simple language and examples to understand the topic so quickly.
The meaning of Financial Accounting is explained with the help of an Animated Video:
We also explained the meaning of financial accounting with the help of an animated video which is available for free of cost on this page as well as on our youtube channel. You can check it out from the below video or by going to our youtube channel.
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Topics Covered under Advanced Financial Accounting Class 12 Tutorial
In this Tutorial, We have covered the whole syllabus of class 12 in the form of topics, not in the form of chapters. It is an easy way to cover up your syllabus by reading topic by topic. If any topic is not related to your syllabus please ignore that one or skip it.
We are recommending you please read the article list as below to learn Financial Accounting in an easy way.
You can also read all the below topics in Hindi on our second website i.e. by clicking on the below link: