
Question No 14 Chapter No 10 – T.S. Grewal 11 Class


Question No 14 Chapter.


14.Record the following transaction in two-column Cashbook of Ripple, Delhi  :

2018 Rs
Mar.1Cash balance25,000
 Bank balance20,000
Mar.4Paid insurance premium by cheque14,200
Mar.7Cash purchases of goods of Rs15,000 plus CGST and SGST @6%  
 Received cash discount of 3% of purchases Cost of goods  
Mar.8Cash sale of Rs 15,000 plus CGST and SGST @6%2,000
 Allowed cash discount @2% of the Sale Value of goods  
Mar.10Cash deposited into Bank15,000
Mar.11Telephone bill paid by cheque, including CGST and SGST @6% 2,240
Mar.14Withdrew bank for personal use6,000
Mar.15Withdrew from a bank for office use14,500
Mar.20Received cheque from Dinesh in full Settlement of Rs11,000 and deposited the same into a bank10,700
Mar.23Cash received from Mohan6,850
 Discount allowed150
Mar.24Stationary purchases for cash, including CGST and SGST@6% each 1,120
Mar.24Cheque received from Gupta, allowed him to discount Rs2504,500
Mar.28Cheque received from Gupta, deposited into bank4,500
Mar.31Cheque deposited on Mar.28 Dishonored and returned by the bank  
Mar.31Rent paid by cheque, including CGST and SGST @6%4,480
Mar.31Paid cash for postage220
Mar.31Paid wages to the watchman in cash3,000

The solution of Question No 14 Chapter No 10: – 

In the Books of Ripple, Delhi

Dr.Cash Book Cr.
L.F.Cash Bank DateParticulars
Mar. 2018    Mar. 2018    
1To Balance B/d 25,00020,0004By Insurance premium A/c  14,200
8To Sale A/c 14,664 7By Purchase A/c 14,550 
8To Output CGST A/c 900 7By Input CGST A/c 900 
8To Output SGST A/c 900 7By Input CGST A/c 900 
10To Cash A/cc 15,00010By Bank A/c 15,000 
15To Bank A/cc14,500 11By Telephone bill A/c  2,000
20To Dinesh A/c  10,70011By Input CGST A/c  120
23To Dinesh A/c 6,850 11By Input SGST A/c  120
28To cheque in hand A/c  4,50014By Drawing A/c  6,000
     15By Cash A/c  14,500
     24By Stationary A/c 1,000 
     24By Input CGST A/c 60 
     24By Input SGST A/c 60 
     28By Gupta A/c  4,500
     31By Rent A/c  4,000
     31By Input CGST A/c  240
     31By Input CGST A/c  240
     31By Postage A/c 220 
     31By wages A/c 3,000 
     31By Balance C/d 28,2444,280
   67,81460,200   67,81460,200

All transactions which are highlighted with (*) are explained as following as follows: –

*Oct. 2  Cash Sale Rs 60,000 plus CGST and SGST @6% each


The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each
60,0000 * 12% = 7,200/-

*Oct. 9 Sale of goods of 10,000 plus CGST and SGST@6% each

The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each
10,000 * 6% = 600/- each

*Oct. 18 Ramesh who owed Rs 5,000 became Bankrupt and Paid us 50 paise in a rupee

The calculation of the Amount of Bad Debts
5,000 X .50

*Oct. 27 Sold goods for Rs 11,000 Plus CGST and SGST @6% against Cash


The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each
11,000 * 6% = 660/- each

*Oct. 28 Received a cheque for goods sold for Rs 9,000 plus CGST and SGST @6% each

The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each
9,000 * 6% = 540/- each

To understand more about cash book please check out following links: –

Cash Book | Types of Cash Book | Subsidiary Books

Single Column Cash Book | Explained with Example


Double Column Cash Book | Explained with Example

Triple Column Cash Book | Explained with Example

Petty Cash Book | Example | Subsidiary Books

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