
Question No 10 Chapter No 10 – T.S. Grewal 11 Class

Question No. 10 - Chapter No.10 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019-min
Question No. 10 - Chapter No.10 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019-min


Question No 10 Chapter No 10


Prepare Two-Column Cash Book of Vinod, Delhi from the following transactions:

2018 Rs
Oct.1Cash in hand 25,000
Oct.1Cash at Bank 75,000
Oct.7Bought goods for Rs 15,000 plus IGST@12% against Cheque 
Oct.8Bought goods for 5,000 plus CGST and SGST@6% each  
Oct.10Honoured our own acceptance by cheque5,000
Oct.14Paid petty expenses150
Oct.18 Ramesh who owed Rs 5,000 became Bankrupt and Paid us 50 paise in a rupee 
Oct.20Received cash from Manohar7,500
 Allowed discount250
Oct.23Withdrew from Bank4,000
Oct.24 Paid to Ghanshyamdas & co.3,000
 Received discount100
Oct.25Withdrew from Bank for personal expenses 3,000
Oct.27Sold goods for Rs 11,000 Plus CGST and SGST @6% against Cash 
Oct.28Received a cheque for goods sold for Rs 9,000 plus CGST and SGST @6% each 
Oct.29Received repayment of a loan of Rs 5,000 and deposited Rs 3,000out of it 

The solution of Question No 10 Chapter No 10: – 

In the Books of Vinod, Delhi

Dr.Cash Book Cr.
L.F.Cash Bank DateParticulars
Oct. 2018    Oct. 2018    
1To Bal. B/d  25,00075,0007To purchase A/c*   15,000 
18To Ramesh A/c 2,500 7By Input IGST A/c  1,800 
20To Mohan A/c 7,500 8To purchase A/c*  5,000 
23To Bank A/cC4,000 8By Input CGST A/c 300 
27To Sale A/c* 11,000 8By Input SGST A/c  300 
27To Output CGST A/c 660 10By Creditors A/c  5,000
27To Output SGST A/c 660 14By Petty expenses A/c 150  
28To Sale A/c*  9,00023By Cash A/cC 4,000
28To Output CGST A/c  54024By Ghanshyamdas & Co. A/c 3,000 
28To Output SGST A/c  54025By Drawing A/c  3,000 
29To Debtors A/c 5,000  29By Bank A/c3,000  
29To Cash A/cC 3,00031By Balance C/d 44,57059,280
   56,32088,080   56,32088,080

All transactions which are highlighted with (*) are explained as following as follows: –

*Oct. 7 Bought goods for Rs 15,000 plus IGST@12% against Cheque


The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each
15,000 * 12% = 1,800/-

*Oct. 8 Bought goods for 5,000 plus CGST and SGST@6% each

The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each
5,000 * 6% = 300/- each

*Oct. 18 Ramesh who owed Rs 5,000 became Bankrupt and Paid us 50 paise in a rupee

The calculation of the Amount of Bad Debts
5,000 X .50

*Oct. 27 Sold goods for Rs 11,000 Plus CGST and SGST @6% against Cash


The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each
11,000 * 6% = 660/- each

*Oct. 28 Received a cheque for goods sold for Rs 9,000 plus CGST and SGST @6% each

The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each
9,000 * 6% = 540/- each

To understand more about cash book please check out following links: –

Cash Book | Types of Cash Book | Subsidiary Books

Single Column Cash Book | Explained with Example


Double Column Cash Book | Explained with Example

Triple Column Cash Book | Explained with Example

Petty Cash Book | Example | Subsidiary Books

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Check out T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019 @ Oficial Website of Sultan Chand Publication

T.S. Grewal's Double Entry Book Keeping

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping



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