In an organization, the information is passed in a Formal and Informal way. So the difference between formal and informal communication clears the modes from which the information passes out. Let’s understand the mean of communication then we will continue towards the formal and informal communication:
Meaning of communication:
The exchange of ideas, views, message,s, and information between two or more people is known as communication. In the organization, it should be effective otherwise confusion will be created. It is a two-way process- (sender sends the message and receiver receives the message).
In the organization, the formal and informal way is used for the communication. These are as follows:
Formal Communication:
Formal communication refers to the systematic way of transferring the message within an organization from one department to another, from the high level to the lower one. In this communication, hierarchy is followed by each and every member of the organization.
“Formal communication is that communication which follows the chain of command established by the organization hierarchy“
Informal communication:
When information is transfer without following the hierarchy or a system then it is called as informal communication. It is also known as Grapevine communication. In this, the employees are interacting with their colleagues in their free time and making informal relations with them. when employees and officers are gathering at the dining table, club, or any other social functions(marriages, festivals), etc, informal communication is always there.
The Chart of difference between Formal and Informal Communication
Points of differences |
Formal communication | Informal Communication |
Meaning | Formal communication refers to the systematic way of transferring the message. | When information is transfer without following the hierarchy or a system then it is called informal communication. |
Nature | It cannot be changed. | It is dynamic in nature. Because it depends upon the nature of the people. |
Relations | The formal way represents the Superior Subordinate relationships and these relations are impersonal. | It represents the personal relationships among the members of the organisation. |
Channel |
It follows the line of command. | No fixed line of command is followed in the informal communication. |
Expression | In a formal way, the written form of communication is followed in the organisation. | It is in the oral form. |
Speed | In a formal way, the information is passed through various levels so the speed of transferring the information is slow. | Members of the organisation have a direct link with each other. So the information passed directly without any delay. |
Example | The scalar chain is the best example of formal communication. | Grapevine communication is an example of informal communication. It includes cluster chain, gossips chain. |
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The conclusion of the Difference: –
Thus, In Formal communication hierarchy is followed by each and every member of the organization. On the other side, in Informal communication, information is transfer without following the hierarchy or a system. Both ways are having major importance in the organisation formal ways are necessary for the accomplishment of the goals but good relations are also very important for smooth functioning of the operations with coordination among all the members.
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