
Question No 3 Chapter No 10 – T.S. Grewal 11 Class

Question No. 3 - Chapter No.10 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019
Question No. 3 - Chapter No.10 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019


Question No 3 Chapter No 10


Enter the following transactions of Mr Ripinder, Delhi in a Single Column Cash Book and Balance it:

2018 Rs.
Apr.1Sri Gopal commenced business introducing cash Rs. 60,000 and Rs. 1,50,000 by taking a loan from the Allahabad Bank.  
Apr.4Purchased following assets for business: Computer Rs 16,000; Furniture Rs 18,500 and Machinery Rs 32,000 plus CGST and SGST @ 6% each, paid by cheque 
Apr.6Purchased goods of Rs 40,000 plus CGST and SGST @ 6% each from Bhushan, Amritsar, Half of the value paid in cash 
Apr.8Paid wages for installation of Machinery4,000
Apr.12Computer repair charges Rs 1,900 paid along with CGST and SGST @ 6% each 
Apr.15Paid wages15,000
 Purchased Postage Stamps 150
 Paid for stationery of Rs 2,700 along with CGST and SGST @ 6% each  
Apr.19Sold for cash half the goods purchased from Bhushan to Anil Krishna at a profit of 25% and allowed him Trade Discount of 5%. Charged CGST and SGST @ 6% each 
Apr.24Payment to a carpenter for repairs to private property350
Apr.26Paid for medical expenses of Smt. Gopal1,800
Apr.30Paid for shop rent Rs 2,000 along with CGST and SGST @ 6% each 

The solution of Question No 3 Chapter No 10: – 

In the Books of Mr Suresh, Delhi

Dr.Cash BookCr.
2018   2018   
Apr. 1To Capital A/c*  60,000Apr. 6By Purchase A/c* 20,000
Apr. 19To Sale A/c* 23,750Apr. 6By Input CGST  A/c 1,200
Apr. 19To Output CGST A/c 1,425Apr. 6By Input SGST A/c 1,200
Apr. 19To Output SGST A/c 1,425Apr. 8By Machinery A/c 4,000
    Apr. 12By Computer Repair A/c* 1,900
    Apr. 12By Input CGST  A/c 114
    Apr. 12By Input SGST A/c 114
    Apr. 15By Wages A/c 15,000
    Apr. 15By Postage & Stamps A/c 150
    Apr. 15By Stationery A/c* 2,700
    Apr. 15By Input CGST  A/c 162
    Apr. 15By Input SGST A/c 162
    Apr. 24By Drawing A/c* 350
    Apr. 26By Drawing A/c* 1,800
    Apr. 30By Rent A/c* 2,000
    Apr. 30By Input CGST  A/c 120
    Apr. 30By Input SGST A/c 120
    Apr. 30By Balance C/d 35,508
   86,600   86,600

All transactions which are highlighted with (*) are explained as following as follows: –

*Apr.1 Sri Gopal commenced business introducing cash Rs. 60,000 and Rs. 1,50,000 by taking a loan from the Allahabad Bank.


The above transaction will be not be recorded in this type of cash book because Sri Gopal Taking a loan of Rs 1,50,000 from Allahabad bank which will be credited in a bank account. But we are preparing a simple cash book which means cash book with only cash column, not a cash book with bank column. This transaction is related to Bank column.

*Apr.4 Purchased following assets for business: Computer Rs 16,000; Furniture Rs 18,500 and Machinery Rs 32,000 plus CGST and SGST @ 6% each, paid by cheque.

The above transaction will be not be recorded in this type of cash book because payment is made by cheque so this transaction is also related to Bank column.

*Apr.6 Purchased goods of Rs 40,000 plus CGST and SGST @ 6% each from Bhushan, Amritsar, Half of the value paid in cash

Only half payment is made in cash, So the treatment of half amount will be recorded in the cash book. The calculation is shown as follows: –
Amount of cash paid for goods: –
40,000* ½ = 20,000/-
Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each of the half amount.
20,000 * 6% = 1,200/- each

*Apr.12 Computer repair charges Rs 1,900 paid along with CGST and SGST @ 6% each


The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each.
1,900 * 6% = 114/- each

*Apr.15 Paid for stationery of Rs 2,700 along with CGST and SGST @ 6% each

The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each
2,700 * 6% = 162/- each

*Apr.19 Sold for cash half the goods purchased from Bhushan to Anil Krishna at a profit of 25% and allowed him Trade Discount of 5%. Charged CGST and SGST @ 6% each

The calculation of Sale price of  half of the number of goods which were purchased from Bhushan on 6 April 2018

Total amount * ½
40,000* ½ = 20,000


Add Profit on It @ 25%
Gross Sale Price = Purchase Price + Profit
20,000+ (20,000 * 25%)
20,000 + 5,000
Gross Sales Price = 25,000/-

Less Trade Discount @ 5% on Gross Sale Price
25,000 * 5%
= 1,250/-

Net Sale Price = Gross Sale Price – Discount
= 25,000 – 1250
= 23,750

The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each
23,750 * 6% = 1,425/- each

*Apr.24 Payment to a carpenter for repairs to private property 350.

The above payment made for the repair of private property of the owner, So it will be treated as Drawing.


*Apr.26 Paid for medical expenses of Smt. Gopal

The above payment made for medical expenses of Smt. Gopal, and Smt. Gopal is the wife of Mr Sri Gopal (Owner), So it will be treated as Drawing.

*Apr.30 Paid for shop rent Rs 2,000 along with CGST and SGST @ 6% each

The calculation of Amount of CGST and SGST @ 6% each.
2,000 * 6% = 120/- each

To understand more about cash book please check out following links: –

Cash Book | Types of Cash Book | Subsidiary Books


Single Column Cash Book | Explained with Example

Double Column Cash Book | Explained with Example

Triple Column Cash Book | Explained with Example

Petty Cash Book | Example | Subsidiary Books

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Also, Check out previous Chapters: –

Check out T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019 @ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication

T.S. Grewal's Double Entry Book Keeping

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping


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