
Question No 2 Chapter No 11 – T.S. Grewal 11 Class

Question No.2 - Chapter No.11 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019-Solution-min-min


Question No 2 Chapter No 11


 Verma Bros., Kolkata carries on business as a wholesale cloth dealer. From the following write up their purchases book for January 2018 :

Jan.3Purchased on credit from M/s Birla Mills, Kolkata
 100 pieces long cloth @ Rs800 each 
 50 pieces shirting @ Rs500 each 
 CGST and SGST payable @6% each 
Jan.8*Purchased for cash from M/s Ambika Mills, Ahmedabad
 50 pieces muslin @ 1,000 each
 IGST payable @12% 
Jan.15Purchased on credit from M/s Arvind Mills, Ahmedabad 
 20 pieces coating @ Rs 2,000 each
 10 Pieces shirting @ Rs 500 each
 IGST payable @12% 
Jan.20*Purchased on credit from M/s Bharat typewriters Ltd., Kolkata:
 5 typewriters @1,400 each
 CGST and SGST payable @6% each 

The solution of Question No 2 Chapter No 11: – 

In the Book of Verma Bros., Kolkata

 Purchase Book 
Input CGSTInput SGST Input
3M/s Birla Mills, Kolkata      
 100 pieces long cloth @Rs 800 each80,000     
 50 pieces shirting @ Rs 500 each25,000     
 Add: CGST6,300     
 Add: CGST6,300     
  1,17,6001,05,6006,3006,300 1,17,600
15M/s Arvind mills, Ahmedabad:      
 20 pieces Coating @ Rs 2,000 each40,000     
 10 pieces shirting @ Rs 500 each5,000     
 Add: IGST5,400     
  50,40045,000  5,40050,400

* Jan8 Purchased on credit from M/s Arvind Mills, Ahmedabad
50 pieces muslin @ 1,000 each
IGST payable @12%

In this transaction, the payment made in cash that is why it will not be recorded in the purchased book because only credit transactions are recorded in the purchased book 


* Jan.20 Purchased on credit from M/s Bharat typewriters Ltd., Kolkata:
5 typewriters @1,400 each
CGST and SGST payable @6% each

In this transaction, the typewrite will be treated as an asset for the business not a good because a business deal with cloths, but only purchased of goods are record in the purchase book so it will not be recorded in the purchased book

To understand more about cash book please check out following links: –

Cash Book | Types of Cash Book | Subsidiary Books

Single Column Cash Book | Explained with Example

Double Column Cash Book | Explained with Example


Triple Column Cash Book | Explained with Example

Petty Cash Book | Example | Subsidiary Books

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T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping


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