
Selection-Its meaning, definition, and process



To choose/ select the appropriate candidates for the vacant jobs refers to selection. This process includes the right candidate with the required qualifications and abilities to fill the jobs in the organization. It takes place after recruitment. 


Meaning of Selection:

Selection refers to choosing the right candidate, who is most suitable for a job position that is vacant in an organization. It includes the process of interviewing the candidates and evaluating their skills, qualities, which are needed for a specific job. 

This is the process of selecting the appropriate candidate for the organization. It is a negative action because in this candidates are rejected and most suitable candidates are selected.

In other words, we can say that selection helps eliminate the candidates who are lacking in knowledge, skills, and ability to do that particular work.

Definitions of Selection :

 “Selection is the process of choosing from the candidates, from within the organization or from outside, the most suitable person for the current position or for the future positions.”


-Harold Koontz

“Selection process is a managerial decision-making process as to predict which job applicants will be successful if hired.”

-David and Robbins

Process of Selection:

Selection includes a number of steps that are required to fill the vacancies of the organization. These steps are explained below in the form procedure/process:

1. Preliminary Interview:

The screening interview/preliminary interview in which candidates are eliminated from the further selection process who do not reach the eligibility criteria prescribed by the organization. On the other side, we can say that unsuitable candidates rejected before proceeding with the next selection process

2. Receiving Applications:

When the individual qualifies for the preliminary interview he is required to fill in the application form according to given format. These invplved the data related to the age, qualification, experience, etc of the candidate which helps the interviewer to get an idea about the candidate.


3. Screening Applications:

After getting the applications these are screened by the screening committee, who then prepare a list of those applicants whom areappropriate for the interviews.

Once the list is made, the qualified candidates are called for the interview by telephonically, e-mail, SMS.

4. Employment Tests:

Mental ability and skill set of an individual is checked in this step, Such as intelligence tests, aptitude tests, psychological tests, personality tests, etc. Suitability of the candidate for the job is chechked by these tests.

5. Employment Interview:

In this step the interviewer asks questions from the applicant to discover more about candidate. By taking an interview, it is easier for the employer/ management to understand the candidate’s expectations from the job.

6. Checking References:

To cross-check the authenticity of the information provided by the cancidate, the employer ask some questions from the refrences given by the candidates.

These references may be from the education institute from where the candidate has completed his education or from his previous employment where he was worked before.


7. Medical Examination:

Physical and Mental ability of the candidate are checked to ensure that he is able to performing the job or not. Thus,the medical examination is an integral step in the selection process because it helps in discover the applicant’s physical ability to fulfill the job requirements.


8. Final Selection:

Finally, the candidate is selected who clears the all steps of interview.Thus, the selection is a lengthy process because it includes several stages that an individual has to qualify before getting selected for the job.

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