
Revaluation Method of Depreciation | Example

Revaluation Method of Depreciation Feature image
Revaluation Method of Depreciation Feature image


Under Revaluation Method of Depreciation, where we did not know the accurate life of an asset or where the life of an asset is uncertain and depreciation cannot be calculated with any other method then we will reevaluate an asset at the end of each financial year when balance sheet prepared. So, if any decrease in the book of an asset will be treated as the amount of depreciation or if any increase then it will be ignored.


This method of depreciation is applied in the following cases: –

  • Where we did not know the accurate life of an asset.
  • Where the life of an asset is uncertain.
  • Depreciation cannot be calculated with any other method.

Example of Revaluation Method of Depreciation:

On 1st April 2018, The firm has loose tools worth Rs 21,000. These were valued at the end of each financial year shown as follows:-

  1. 31/03/2019 – 18,900
  2. 31/03/2020 – 17,700
  3. 31/03/2021 – 16,550
  4. 31/03/2022 – 15,250
  5. 31/03/2023 – 14,150

Calculate the amount of depreciation.

Note: – To make a simple question we assume that no loose tool was broken in the whole period. “

Solution: –

Calculation of the amount of depreciation:-


The Formula of Revaluation Method of Depreciation

The following table shows the calculation of an amount of depreciation year by year:-

Year start 
Opening Value of Assets 
Year ended 
Closing Value of Assets 
Amount of Depreciation 
01-04-2018        21,00031-03-2019     18,900                   2,100
01-04-2019        18,90031-03-2020     17,700                   1,200
01-04-2020        17,70031-03-2021     16,550                   1,150
01-04-2021        16,55031-03-2022     15,250                   1,300
01-04-2022        15,25031-03-2023     14,150                   1,100

Journal entries or ledger are the same with the following methods:

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