
Question No 9 Chapter No 10 – Unimax 11 Class



Question No 9 Chapter No 10 – Unimax Class 11


The following errors were disclosed in the books of Mr. Babu. Correct the errors.

(1) The total of sales book has overcast by ₹1,000.
(2) In purchases book the total of one page ₹ 5,365 was carried forward to next page as ₹ 5,356.
(3) A sales return from Mr. Mitra ₹ 200 was entered in the sales book.
(4) Cash received from R. Ray ₹ 500 was posted to the account of M. Roy.
(5) Purchases goods book has been undercast by ₹ 100.
(6) ₹ 200 for repair to machinery has been taken to machinery account.

The solution of Question No 9 Chapter No 10 –

Date  ParticularsL.F.DebitCredit
1Sales A/c  Dr. 1,000 
 To Suspense A/c   1,000
 (Being sales book overcast, now rectified)    
2Purchases A/c  Dr.  9 
 To Suspense A/c   9
 (Being total of purchases book ₹ 5,365 c/d as ₹ 5,356, now rectified)    
3Sales returns A/cDr. 200 
 Sales A/c  200 
 To Mitra’s A/c   400
 (Being sales return from Mitra entered in sales book, now rectified)    
4M. Roy’s A/cDr. 500 
 To R. Roy’s A/c   500
 (Being cash received from R. Roy’s posted to M. Ros’s a/c, now rectified)    
5Suspense A/cDr. 100 
 To Purchases returns A/c   100
 (Being purchases return book undercast, now rectified)    
6Repair A/cDr. 200 
 To Machinery A/c   200
 (Being repair of machinery taken to machinery a/c, now rectified)   

It is all about Question 9 Chapter 10 of Class 11 unimax, If you have any problem please comment below.

Read out the full article to know the meaning of Rectification of Errors 


Error Rectification in accounting – Explanation with examples

Also, Check out the same article in Hindi from the following link

Error Rectification in accounting – Explanation with examples-in Hindi

Also, Check out the solved question of all Chapters: –

Advanced Accountancy – Unimax Class 11 – 2021 – Solution.


Students may choose only one part from the Part II and Part III



  • Chapter No. 15 – Financial Statements (Without Adjustments)
  • Chapter No. 16 – Financial Statements (With Adjustments)
  • Chapter No. 17 – Accounts from Incomplete Records –  Single Entry System


  • Chapter No. 18 – Introduction to Computers and Accounting information System
  • Chapter No. 19 – Computerised Accounting
  • Chapter No. 20 – Accounting Software: Tally 
  • Chapter No. 21 – Data Base System
  • Chapter No. 22 – Concept of Entity and Relationship 


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