Question No 7 Chapter No 12 – T.S. Grewal 11 Class

Question No 7 Chapter No 12
Question No.7 - Chapter No.12 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019-Solution-min-min

Question No 7 Chapter No 12

7. On 30th June 2017 bank column of the Cash Book showed a balance of Rs 12,000 but the Pass Books showed a different balance due to the following reasons:
Cheque paid into the bank Rs 8,000 but out of this only cheque of Rs 6,500 credited by bankers.
The receipt column of the Cash Book undercast by 200
On 29th June, a customer deposited Rs 3,000 directly in the Bank account but it was entered in the Pass Book only.
Cheque of Rs 9,200 was issued of which Rs 2,200 were presented for payment on 15th July
Pass Book shows a credit of Rs 330 as interest and a debit of Rs 60 Bank charges
Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement on 30th June 2017.

The solution of Question No 7 Chapter No 12: – 


Bank Reconciliation Statement  
Particular Plus Items
Minus Items
Balance as per Cash Book(Dr) 12,000  
Cheque Deposited but not collected by Bank.   1,500
Bank Column undercast. 200  
Cheque deposited directly into Bank 3,000  
Cheque issued but not yet presented for payment 2,200  
Interest and Bank Charges 330 60
Balance as per Pass Book   16,170
  17,730 17,730

To understand more about cash book please check out following links: –

Bank Reconciliation Statement | Process | Illustration |


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T.S. Grewal's Double Entry Book Keeping

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping


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