
Question No 6 Chapter No 9 – Unimax Class 11



Question No 6 Chapter No 9 – Unimax Class 11

From the following trial balance containing some errors, prepare correct trial balance:


Sundry debtors4,10,000Stock (1.4.2019)2,30,000
Sundry creditors80,000Premises12,00,000
Rent and taxes48,000Fixture & Fittings3,10,000
Purchases34,00,000Bad debts written off8,000
Sales56,00,000Rent received from sub-let of30,000
Trade expenses12,000Loan from Mukul1,50,000
Returns outwards80,000Interest on Mukul’s loan15,000
Return inwards1,20,000Drawing40,000
Expenses4,000Cash in hand75,000
Motor vehicles6,50,000Stock on 31st march,2020 (not adjusted)3,80,000

The solution of Question No 6 Chapter No 9 – Unimax Class 11

 Trail Balance A/c   
S. No.Name of A/cL.F.DebitCredit
1Sundry debtors 4,10,000 
2Sundry creditors  80,000
3Rent and taxes 48,000 
4Purchases 34,00,000 
5Sales  56,00,000
6Trade expenses 12,000 
7Returns outwards  80,000
8Return inwards 1,20,000 
9Expenses 4,000 
10Motor vehicles 6,50,000 
11Electricity 25,000 
12Opening Stock 2,30,000 
13Premises 12,00,000 
14Fixture & Fittings 3,10,000 
15Bad debts written off 8,000 
16Rent received from sub-let of part of premises  30,000
17Loan from Mukul  15,000
18Interest on Mukul’s loan 15,000 
19Drawing 40,000 
20Cash in hand 75,000 
21Capital  6,07,000
 Total 65,47,00065,47,000

Read out the full article to know the meaning of Cash Book

Trial Balance | Explanation | Methods | Examples

Also, Check out the same article in Hindi from the following link

Trial Balance | Explanation | Methods | Examples


Also, Check out the solved question of all Chapters: –

Advanced Accountancy – Unimax Class 11 – 2021 – Solution.


Students may choose only one part from the Part II and Part III


  • Chapter No. 15 – Financial Statements (Without Adjustments)
  • Chapter No. 16 – Financial Statements (With Adjustments)
  • Chapter No. 17 – Accounts from Incomplete Records –  Single Entry System


  • Chapter No. 18 – Introduction to Computers and Accounting information System
  • Chapter No. 19 – Computerised Accounting
  • Chapter No. 20 – Accounting Software: Tally 
  • Chapter No. 21 – Data Base System
  • Chapter No. 22 – Concept of Entity and Relationship 



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