
Question No 29 Chapter No 5 – T.S Grewal 11 Class

Question No.29 - Chapter No.5- T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019
Question No.29 - Chapter No.5- T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019


Question No 29 Chapter No 5 – T.S Grewal


29. Draw an Accounting Equation from the following transactions: –

(i) Commenced business with cash Rs 50,000, cheque Rs 1,00,000, goods Rs 30,000, and Furniture Rs 20,000
(ii) Car, a personal asset of the proprietor, was sold for Rs 1,00,000 against a cheque which he deposited in his saving account.
(iii) An amount of Rs 50,000 was transferred from his saving account to the firm’s Bank Account.
(iv) A new car was purchased for Rs 6,00,000 for office use. It was paid by taking a loan from a bank of Rs 5,00,000 and balance by the issue of cheque from the firm’s Bank Account.
(v) Sold goods to Ajay on credit costing Rs 4,000 for Rs 5,000.
(vi) Sold goods for cash costing Rs 12,000 for 16,000.
(vii) Purchased goods for cash Rs 40,000
(viii) Purchased goods for credit Rs 20,000
(ix) Paid rent Rs 3,000 including Rs 2,000 in advance.
(x) Paid salary Rs 2,000
(xi) Sold goods costing Rs 8,000 for 10,000.
(xii) Salaries outstanding Rs 1,000
(xiii) Charge depreciation on furniture Rs 500.

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Note: “Because we have less width so we have divided our table into two parts 1st table shows assets and 2nd table shows liabilities and capital.” 


S. No. ParticularsAssets

+Adv Rent

(i)Commenced business with cash Rs 50,000, cheque Rs 1,00,000, goods Rs 30,000 and Furniture Rs 20,000+50000+100000+30000+20000   
(ii)Car, a personal asset of the proprietor, was sold for Rs 1,00,000 against a cheque which he deposited in his saving account.       
(iii)An amount of Rs 50,000 was transferred from his saving account to the firm’s bank account. +50000     
(iv)A new car was purchased for Rs 6,00,000 for office use. It was paid by taking a loan from a bank of Rs 5,00,000 and balance by the issue of cheque from the firm’s Bank Account. -100000  +600000  
(v)Sold goods to Ajay on credit costing Rs 4,000 for Rs 5,000.  -4000  +5000 
(vi)Sold goods for cash costing Rs 12,000 for 16,000.+16000 -12000    
(vii)Purchased goods for cash Rs 40,000-40000 +40000    
(viii)Purchased goods for credit Rs 20,000  +20000    
(ix)Paid rent Rs 3,000 including Rs 2,000 in advance.-3000     +2000
  23000+50000+74000+20000+600000+5000 +2000
(x)Paid salary Rs 2,000-2000      
  21000+50000+74000+20000+600000+5000 +2000
(xi)Sold goods costing Rs 8,000 for 10,000.+10000 -8000    
  31000+50000+66000+20000+600000+5000 +2000
(xii)Salaries outstanding Rs 1,000       
  31000+50000+66000+20000+600000+5000 +2000
(xiii)Charge depreciation on furniture Rs 500.   -500   


S. No. ParticularsLiabilities
+ Bank Loan
+Crdt.+ O/s Salary
(i)Commenced business with cash Rs 50,000, cheque Rs 1,00,000, goods Rs 30,000 and Furniture Rs 20,000   +200000
(ii)Car, a personal asset of the proprietor, was sold for Rs 1,00,000 against a cheque that he deposited in his saving account.    
(iii)An amount of Rs 50,000 was transferred from his saving account to the firm’s Bank Account.   +50000
(iv)A new car was purchased for Rs 6,00,000 for office use. It was paid by taking a loan from a bank of Rs 5,00,000 and balance by the issue of cheque from the firm’s Bank Account.+500000   
  +500000  +250000
(v)Sold goods to Ajay on credit costing Rs 4,000 for Rs 5,000.   +1000
  +500000  +251000
(vi)Sold goods for cash costing Rs 12,000 for 16,000.   +4000
  +500000  +255000
(vii)Purchased goods for cash Rs 40,000    
  +500000  +255000
(viii)Purchased goods for credit Rs 20,000 +20000  
  +500000+20000 +255000
(ix)Paid rent Rs 3,000 including Rs 2,000 in advance.   -1000
  +500000+20000 +254000
(x)Paid salary Rs 2,000   -2000
  +500000+20000 +252000
(xi)Sold goods costing Rs 8,000 for 10,000.   +2000
  +500000+20000 +254000
(xii)Salaries outstanding Rs 1,000  +1000-1000
  +500000+20000 +1000+253000
(xiii)Charge depreciation on furniture Rs 500.   -500

Answer: –

Assets = Cash 31,000 + Bank 50,000 + Stock 66,000 + Furniture 19,500 + Vehicle + 6,00,000 + Debtors 5,000 + Prepaid Rent 2,000 = 7,73,500/-
Liabilities: – Bank Loan 5,00,000 + Creditors 20,000 +  Outstanding Salary 1,0005,21,000/-
Capital = 2,52,500/-
Liabilities  +Capital
5,21,000 + 2,52,500 = 7,73,500/-

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