
Question No 22 Chapter No 14 – Class 11 Unimax

Question No 22 Chapter No 14 – Class 11 Unimax
Question No 22 Chapter No 14 – Class 11 Unimax


Question No 22 Chapter No 14 – Class 11 Unimax

Nikhil sold goods for ₹ 23,000 to Akhil on Dec. 1, 2019. He drew upon Akhil a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after 2 months. Akhil accepted the bill and sent it back to Nikhil. Nikhil discounted the bill immediately with his bank @ 12% p.a. On the due date Akhil dishonored the bill of exchange and the bank paid ₹ 100 as noting charges. Akhil requested Nikhil to drew a new bill upon him with interest @ 10% p.a. which he agreed. The new bill was payable after two months. A week before the maturity of the second bill Akhil requested Nikhil to cancel the second bill. He further requested to accept ₹ 10,000 in cash immediately and drew a third bill upon him including interest of ₹ 500. Nikhil agreed to Akhil request. The third bill was payable after one month. Akhil met the third bill on its maturity. Record the necessary journal entries in the books of Nikhil and Akhil and also prepare Akhil account in the books of Nikhil and Nikhil account in the books of Akhil.


The solution of Question No 22 Chapter No 14 – UNIMAX Class 11

Journal for Mr. ‘Nikhil’ (Drawer)
Dec. 1Akhil’s A/cDr. 23,000 
 To Sales A/c   23,000
 (Being goods sold to Akhil on credit)   
Dec. 1Bill receivable A/cDr. 23,000 
 To Akhil A/c   23,000
 (Being a bill for two months drawn and accepted)   
Dec. 1Bank A/cDr. 22,540 
 Discount A/cDr. 460 
 To Bill receivable A/c  23,000
 (Being bill discounted from bank @ 12% p.a.)   
Feb. 4Akhil A/cDr. 23,100 
 To Bank A/c   23,100
 (Being the bill dishonoured on due date and bank paid 100 as noting charges)    
Feb. 4Akhil A/cDr. 385 
 To Interest A/c   385
 (Being interest @ 10% for two months due from Akhil)    
Feb. 4Bill receivable A/c]Dr. 23,485 
 To Akhil A/c   23,485
 (Being the second bill for two months drew and accepted)   
Mar. 31Akhil A/cDr. 23,485 
 To Bill receivable A/c (2)   23,485
 (Being the second bill cancelled on request)    
Mar. 31Cash A/cDr. 10,000 
 To Akhil A/c   10,000
 (Being cash received from Akhil)    
Mar. 31Akhil A/cDr. 500 
 To Interest A/c   500
 (Being interest as ₹ 500 for third bill due date from Akhil)    
Mar. 31Bill receivable A/cDr. 13,985 
 To Akhil A/c   13,985
 (Being the third bill for one month drawn and accepted)    
May 3Cash A/cDr. 13,985 
 To Bill receivable A/c   13,985
 (Being the third bill met on due date)   


Dr.Akhil’s A/cCr.
Dec.1To Sales A/c 23,000Dec.1By Bill receivable A/c 23,000
Feb. 4To Bank A/c 23,100Feb. 4By Bill receivable A/c 23,485
Feb. 4To Interest A/c 385Feb. 4By Cash A/c 10,000
Mar. 31To Interest A/c 500Mar. 31By Bill receivable A/c 13,985
Mar. 31To Bills receivable A/c 23,485    
   70,470   70,470


Journal for Mr. ‘Akhil’ (Drawee)
Dec. 1Purchases A/cDr. 23,000 
 To Nikhil A/c   23,000
 (Being the goods purchased on credit)   
Dec. 1Nikhil’s A/cDr. 23,000 
 To Bill payable A/c (1)   23,000
 (Being a bill for two months accepted and returned)   
Feb. 4Bill payable A/c (1)Dr. 23,000 
 Noting charges A/cDr. 100 
  To Nikhil A/c  23,100
 (Being the bill dishonoured and ₹ 100 paid as noting charges)   
Feb. 4Interest A/cDr. 385 
 To Nikhil A/c   385
 (Being the interest @ 10% due to Nikhil)    
Feb. 4Nikhil A/cDr. 23,485 
 To Bill payable A/c (2)   23,485
 (Being the second bill for two months accepted and returned)    
Mar. 31Bills payable A/c (2)Dr. 23,485 
 To Nikhil A/c   23,485
 (Being the bill cancelled on request)    
Mar. 31Nikhil A/cDr. 10,000 
 To Bank A/c   10,000
 (Being cash paid to Mr. Nikhil)    
Mar. 31Interest A/cDr. 500 
 To Nikhil A/c   500
 (Being interest due to Nikhil for another bill)    
Mar. 31Nikhil A/cDr. 13,985 
 To Bills payable A/c (3)   13,985
 (Being a third bill for one month accepted and returned)    
May 3Bills payable A/c (3)Dr. 13,985 
 To Cash A/c   13,985
 (Being own acceptance met on due date)   


Dr.Nikhil’s A/cCr.
Dec. 1To Bills payable A/c (1) 23,000Dec. 1By Purchases A/c 23,000
Feb. 4To Bill payable A/c (2) 23,485Feb. 4By Bill payable A/c (1) 23,000
Mar. 31To Cash A/c 10,000Feb. 4By Noting charges A/c 100
Mar. 31To Bill payable A/c (3) 13,985Feb. 4By Interest A/c 385
    Mar. 31By Bills payable A/c 23,485
    Mar. 31By Interest A/c 500
   70,470   70,470

Read out the full article to know the meaning of Cash Book


Bill of exchange (BOE): Meaning and Examples

Also, Check out the same article in Hindi from the following link

Bill of exchange (BOE): Meaning and Examples

Also, Check out the solved question of all Chapters: –

Advanced Accountancy – Unimax Class 11 – 2021 – Solution.


Students may choose only one part from the Part II and Part III



  • Chapter No. 15 – Financial Statements (Without Adjustments)
  • Chapter No. 16 – Financial Statements (With Adjustments)
  • Chapter No. 17 – Accounts from Incomplete Records –  Single Entry System


  • Chapter No. 18 – Introduction to Computers and Accounting information System
  • Chapter No. 19 – Computerised Accounting
  • Chapter No. 20 – Accounting Software: Tally 
  • Chapter No. 21 – Data Base System
  • Chapter No. 22 – Concept of Entity and Relationship 

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