
Question No 20 Chapter No 12 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 20 Chapter No 12
Q-20 - CH-12 - USHA +1 Book 2020 - Solution


Question No 20 Chapter No 12


20. According to the cash book of Asha Mittal, there was a balance of Rs 1,050 in favour of 30.6.2015 in her business bank account. However, according to her bank statement, this account was overdrawn. On investigation, you find that:

    1. The receipt column of cash book has been over-added by Rs 1,100
    2. Cheque drawn and entered in cash book in June 2015 amounting to Rs 1,670 were not presented until July 2015
    3. Discount received from a supplier Rs 100 had been included with the cheque entered in the bank column of the cash book in April 2015
    4. An amount of Rs 750 paid directly into Asha Mittal’s account by a customer not entered in the cash book
    5. A cheque payment of Rs 1,230 in April 2015 had been entered in the cash book as Rs 1,320
    6. The bank had charged the business account with a cheque for Rs 2,200 in February 2015 which should have been passed through Asha Mitttal’s private company.
    7. Bank charges of Rs 80 at 31-12-14 and Rs 100 30-6-15 had not yet been entered in the cash book
    8. Cheque to the value of Rs 3,780 received from the customer was recorded in the cash book 28-6-2015 but not entered by the bank until 2.7.2015
      You are asked to make appropriate adjustment in the cash book as at 30-6-2015 and prepare a statement reconciling the adjusted cash book balance with the balance shown by the bank statement

The solution of Question No 20 Chapter No 12:-  


Amended cash book (bank Column)Cr.
To Balance b/d 1,050By Debtor A/c 1,110
To correction of an error- discount A/c 100By bank charges A/c 180
To customer A/c 750   
To Correction on error A/c 90   
   By Balance c/d 710
  1,990  1,990


Bank Reconciliation Statement
Adjusted balance as per cash book (Dr.) 710
Add: Cheque issued but not yet presented1,670 
Less cheque wrongly debited by the bank2,200 
Less: cheque deposited but not yet collected3,7805,980
Balance as per Pass Book (Dr.) 3,600



Bank Reconciliation Statement | Process | Illustration |

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Also, Check out the solved question of all Chapters: –

Usha Publication – Elements of Book-Keeping PSEB (Class 11) – Solution

Chapter No. 1 – Introduction

Chapter No. 2 – Theory Base of Accounting 


Chapter No. 3 – Origin of Transactions

Chapter No. 4 – Vouchers and transactions

Chapter No. 5 – Journal

Chapter No. 6 – Accounting for Goods and Services Tax(GST)

Chapter No. 7 – Ledger

Chapter No. 8 – Cash Book


Chapter No. 9 – Other Subsidiary Books

Chapter No. 10 – Journal Proper

Chapter No. 11 – Trial Balance

Chapter No. 12 – Bank Reconciliation Statement

Chapter No. 13 – Depreciation

Chapter No. 14 – Provisions and Reserves 


Chapter No. 15 – Bills of Exchange

Chapter No. 16 – Rectification of Errors 

Chapter No. 17 – Financial Statements – (Without Adjustments)

Chapter No. 18 – Financial Statements – (With Adjustments)


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