
Question No 19 Chapter No 8 – T.S. Grewal 11 Class

Question No. 19 - Chapter No.8 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019
Question No. 19 - Chapter No.8 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019


Question No 19 Chapter No 8


On 1st April 2018 the position of Tendulkar was as follows: Stock in trade Rs 2,88,000; Bills Payable Rs 48,000: Cash in Bank Rs 2,16,000; Plant and Machinery Rs 1,20,000; Owing by Debtors Rs 60,000; Owing to Creditors Rs 96,000; Investment Rs 2,40,000. Loan from S.K. Garg Rs 1,80,000. What was the amount of Tendulkar’s capital on the date ? Show an opening Journal entry. 

Solution of Question No 19 Chapter No 8: – 

So to solve this question first we have to prepare the working Note shown as below:

To Calculate the amount of capital we should use the following formula. 

“Capital = Total Assets – Total Liabilities”


To apply this formula we have to recognise the assets and liabilities accounts first. This is shown below: –

Name of Accounts Type of AccountDebit/ CreditReason of Debit/Credit 
Stock in Trade A/cAssetDebit All assets always have debit balance.
Bills Payable A/cLiabilityCredit B/P is Liability for the business So, All Liabilities are always have Credit balance 
Cash at Bank A/cAssetDebitAll assets always have debit balance 
Plant & Machinery A/cAssetDebitAll assets always have debit balance 
Qwing by debtors (Sundry Debtors)AssetDebitAll assets always have debit balance 
Owing to creditors (Sundry Creditors)LiabilityCredit All Liabilities are always have Credit balance 
Investment A/cAssetDebitAll assets always have debit balance 
Loan From S.K. Garg Liability CreditAll Liabilities are always have Credit balance 

Note: You did not need to prepare above table in the exam, Because this is just for your understanding.

Total Assets = 288000+216000+120000+60000+240000

Total Assets = 9,24,000/-

Total Liabilities = 48000+96000+180000

Total Liabilities = 3,24,000/-



Capital = 9,24,000- 3,24,000

Capital = 6,00,000/- Ans.

Now Post this in the Journal day book: –

In the Books of Rahman 

Date  Particulars
1st April,2018Stock in Trade A/cDr. 2,88,000 
Cash at Bank A/cDr. 2,16,000 
 Plant & Machinery A/cDr. 1,20,000 
 Sundry Debtors A/cDr. 60,000 
 Investment A/cDr. 2,40,000 
           To Bills Payable A/c   48,000
           To Sundry Creditors A/c   96,000
           To S.K. Garg Loan’s A/c   1,80,000
           To Capital A/c(See W.Note)   6,00,000
 (Being opening balances of last year brought forward in current year )   

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