
Question No 08 Chapter No 1 – USHA Publication 11 Class

Question No 08 Chapter No 1
Question No 08 Chapter No 1


Question No 08 Chapter No 1


8. Find out the cost of goods sold and gross profit from the following figures relating to the year 2016-17

 Rs Rs
Opening stock 5,000Indirect expenses2,500
Purchase12,500Closing stock 1,000
Direct expenses500Sale20,000

The solution of Question No 08 Chapter No 1: –

Cost of goods sold=Opening stock + Net purchased + Direct expenses – Closing stock
 =5,000 + 12,500 + 500 – 2,500
 =Rs 15,500
Gross profit=Sales – Cost of goods sold
 =20,000 – 15,500
 =Rs 4,500
Net income=Gross income – Operating expenses
 =4,500 – 1,000
 =Rs 3,500

Check out our article on the meaning of financial accounting:

Financial Accounting – Introduction and its Functions

Check out the above article in Hindi also:


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Usha Publication – Elements of Book-Keeping PSEB (Class 11) – Solution


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