
Question No 01 Chapter No 5 – USHA Publication 11 Class


Question No 01 Chapter No 5


1. State the following Ledger Account under:
(a) Real Account (b) Personal Account (c ) Nominal Account

(i)Furniture Account(viii)Salary Payable Account
(ii) Furniture Repair Account(ix)Tata and Co. Account
(iii) Bank Account(x)Printing and Stationery Account
(iv) Capital Account(xi) Depreciation Account
(v)Drawing Account(xii)Machinery Account
(vi) Charity Account(xiii) State Bank of India Account
(vii)Bank Commission Account(xiv)Ram and Sons Co.

The solution of Question No 01 Chapter No 5: –

Real AccountPersonal Account
Nominal Account
(i) Machinery Account(iii) Bank Account(ii) Furniture Repair Account
(xii) Furniture Account(iv) Capital Account(vi) Charity Account
 (v) Drawing Account(vii) Bank Commission Account
 (viii) Salary Payable Account(x) Printing and Stationery A/c
 (ix) Tata and Co. A/c(xi) Depreciation A/c
 (xiv) Ram and Sons Co. 
 State Bank Of India A/C 


How to make Journal Entries in Accounting – Explanation

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