
Question 66 Chapter 5 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1 – 2021

question 66 - UNIMAX
question 66 - UNIMAX


Question 66 Chapter 5 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1 – 2021


66. A and B were partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 : 2. Their Balance Sheet on 1st January, 2021 was as follows :

Sundry Creditors15000Plant30000
Capital : Patents10000
 80,000 80,000

C is admitted as a partner on the above date on the following terms.

  1. He will pay Rs. 10000 as his share of goodwill and will get 1/4th share in the profits of the firm.
  2. The assets are to be valued as under Plant at Rs. 32000, Stock at Rs. 18000, Debtors at book figure less a provision of 5% for doubtful debts.
  3. It was found that creditors include a sum of Rs. 1400 which was not to be paid. But it was also found that there was a liability for compensation to workers amounting to Rs. 2000.
  4. C was to introduce Rs. 20000 as capital and the capitals of the other partners were to be adjusted in the new profit sharing ratio. For this purpose Current Accounts were to be opened.

Give Journal entries to record the above and Balance Sheet after C’s admission.

The solution of Question 66 Chapter 5 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1: –

Revaluation A/c


Particulars Rs.Particulars Rs.
To Provision for bad debts a/c900By Plant a/c 2000
To Stock a/c2000By Creditors a/c 1400
To Worker’s compensation fund a/c2000By Loss on revaluation  
  A (3 : 2)900 
 4,900  4,900

Capital Accounts

To Loss on revaluation900600By Balance b/d30,00025,000
To Current a/c51008400By Reserve a/c6,0004,000
To Balance c/d360002400020000By Cash a/c –
    By Premium a/c (3 :2)6,0004,00020,000
 420003300020,000 42,00033,00020,000

Balance Sheet

Liabilities Rs.Assets Rs.
Sundry Creditors 13600Plant 32000
Capital Accounts  Debtors18000 
A36000 Less : Provision90017100
B24000 Cash (2000 + 20000 + 10000) 32000
C2000080000Patents 10000
A’s Current a/c 5100Stock 18000
B’s Current a/c 8400   
Worker’s Compensation Fund 2000   
  1,09,100  1,09,100

Working Note:

(A) Calculation of Capitals of Partners :

Total Capital of firm = 4/1 X 20000 = Rs. 80000
(i) A’s required capital = 9/20 X 80000 = Rs. 36000
A’s actual capital Rs. 41100
A will withdraw Rs. 5100
(ii) B’s required capital = 6/20 X 80000 = Rs. 24000
B’s actual capital = Rs. 32400
B will withdraw = Rs. 8400
(iii) C’s capital = Rs. 20000
(B) Calculation of New PSR :
Let Total profit = 1
C’s Share = 1/4
Remaining share = 3/4
A’s new share = 3/5 X 3/4 = 9/20
B’s new share = 2/5 X 3/4 = 6/20
C’s share = 1/4
New PSR = 9 : 6: 5 (New PSR)
(C) Sacrificing Ratio is 3 : 2 as if nothing has been decided in partnership deed.



DateParticulars L.F.DebitCredit
 Revaluation a/cDr. 4,900 
 To Stock A/c   2,000
 To Provision for bad debts a/c   900
 To Worker’s compensation fund a/c   2,000
 (Being value of assets decreased & new liability created)    
 Plant a/cDr. 2,000 
 Creditors A/cDr. 1,400 
 To Revaluation A/c   3,400
 (Being value of assets increased & liability decreased.)    
 A’s Capital a/cDr. 900 
 B’s Capital a/cDr. 600 
 To Revaluation a/c   1,500
 (Being loss on revaluation transferred to old partner’s capital a/c)    
 General Reserve a/cDr. 10,000 
 To A’s capital a/c   6,000
 To B’s capital a/c   4,000
 (Being reserve fund distributed among old partners)    
 Bank a/cDr. 30,000 
 To C’s capital A/c   20,000
 To Premium a/c   10,000
 (Being capital and goodwill brought by new partner)    
 Premium a/cDr. 10,000 
 To A’s Capital a/c   6,000
 To B’s Capital a/c   4,000
 (Being goodwill distributed among old partners’ in sacrificing ratio)    
 A’s Capital a/cDr. 5,100 
 B’s capital a/cDr. 8,400 
 To A’s capital a/c   5,100
 To B’s capital a/c   8,400
 (Being withdrawn by old partners and transferred to their current a/c)    

What is Partnership – Meaning and Its 4 Types

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping +2 (Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication


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