
Question 6 Chapter 3 of Class 12 Part – 1 VK Publication

Question 6 Chapter 3 of Class 12 Part - 1 VK Publication
Question 6 Chapter 3 of Class 12 Part - 1 VK Publication


Question 6 Chapter 3 of Class 12 Part – 1


6. It was agreed to calculate the value of goodwill of a partnership firm at two years’ purchase of the weighted average profits of the past four years. The appropriate weights to be used to each year ended on 31st March are: 2015-1; 2016-2; 2017-3, 2018-4.
The profits for these years ended on 31st March are: 2015 Rs. 60,400; 2016 Rs. 69,600. 2017 Rs. 60,000; and 2018 Rs. 61,600.
On a scrutiny of the accounts the following revaluations are made:
(i) On 1st December, 2016 a major repair was made in respect of the plant incurring Rs. 12,000 which amount was charged to revenue. The paid Sum is agreed to be capitalised for goodwill calculation subject to adjustment of depreciation of 10% p.a. on reducing balance method.
(ii) The closing stock for the year 31st March, 2016 was overvalued by Rs. 4,800.
(iii) To cover management cost an annual charge of Rs. 9,600 should be made for the purpose of goodwill valuation.
Compute the value of goodwill.

The solution of Question 6 Chapter 3 of Class 12 Part – 1: –

Calculation of Adjusted Profit


31st March, 2015

31st March , 2016

31st March , 201731st March, 2018
Less: Charge for Management Cost9,6009,6009,6009,600
Add: Capital expenditure charged revenue
Less: Depreciation (note provided)400(1)1,160(2)
Less: Overvaluation of Closing Stock4,800
Add: Overvaluation of Opening Stock4,800
Adjusted Profit50,80055,20066,80050840

Calculation of Weighted Average Profit




31st March 201550,800150,800
Weighted Average Profit=5,64,960

Goodwill at 2 years’ purchase= 56,496 x 2= Rs. 1,12,992


Working Notes:
1. Depreciation for the year ending 31st March, 2017 = 10% of Rs. 12,000 for 4 months
12,000×10/100×4/12= Rs. 400
2. Depreciation for the year ending 31st March, 2018 = 10% of Rs. 11,600 (i.e., 12,000-500)
11,600×10/100 = Rs. 1,160.
3. Closing Stock of 2016 automatically becomes the Opening Stock of 2017.

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Also, Check out the solved question of previous Chapters: –

Usha Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Volume I – Solution

Usha Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Volume II – Solution


Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication


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