
Question 59 Chapter 5 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1 – 2021

question 59 - UNIMAX
question 59 - UNIMAX


Question 59 Chapter 5 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1 – 2021


59. A and B are partners sharing profits in ratio of 3 : 1. Their capitals were : A, Rs. 50000 and B, Rs. 30000. C is admitted for 1/5th share. C will pay Rs. 20000 as his share of goodwill and will introduce proportionate capital. Revaluation of assets and liabilities on the date of admission of C resulted in loss of Rs. 12000. Calculate the amount of capital to be brought in by C. Pass the Journal Entries and prepare Capital accounts of partners.

The solution of Question 59 Chapter 5 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1: –


DateParticulars L.F.DebitCredit
 A’s Capital a/cDr. 9000 
 B’s Capital A/cDr. 3000 
 To Revaluation a/c   12000
 (Being loss transferred to old partners’ capital a/c in old ratio)    
 Cash a/cDr. 20000 
 To Premium a/c   20000
 (Being goodwill brought by new partner in business)    
 Premium A/cDr.  20000 
 To A’s Capital a/c   15000
 To B’s Capital A/c   5000
 (Being goodwill credited to old partners’ capital a/c in sacrificing ratio)    
 Cash A/cDr. 22000 
 To C’s capital a/c   22000
 (Being proportionate capital brought by new partner in business)    

Capital Accounts

To Loss on revaluation90003000By Balance b/d5000030000
To Balance c/d560003200022000By Cash A/c22000
    By Premium A/c150005000
 650003500022000 650003500022000

Working Note:


Calculation of capital contributed by C :

For 4/5th share of profit capital contributed = Rs. 88000
For 1 Share of profit capital contributed = 88000 X 5/4
For 1/5th share of profit capital contributed = 88000 X 5/4 X 1/5 = Rs. 22000

What is Partnership – Meaning and Its 4 Types

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping +2 (Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication


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