
Question 37 Chapter 6 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1

Question 37 Chapter 6 of +2- Part
Q-37. - CH-6 - Usha +2 Book 2018 - Solution


Question 37 Chapter 6 of +2-Part-1


37. ( Unrecorded liability / Joint Life policy )X, Y and Z were partners sharing losses in the ratio 4: 3: 3 respectively. Their balance sheet as on 31st December 2018 was as follows :

Sundry creditors7,000Land & buildings 36,000
Bills payable 3,000Plant & machinery 28,000
Reserve 20,000Electric typewriter8,000
Capital Stock10,000
X32,000Joint life policy10,000
Y24,000Sundry debtors  
Z20,000Less : reserve  12,000
  Bank 2,000
 1,06,000 1,06,000

On this date Y retires from the firm on the following terms :

  1. The goodwill of the firm is to be valued at Rs. 14,000.
  2. Stock is appreciated by 20% and land and buildings are to be appreciated by 10%.
  3. Plant and machinery and electric typewriter are to be depreciated by 10%.
  4. Sundry debtors are considered to be good.
  5. There is a liability of Rs. 2,000 for the payment of Outstanding salary to the employees of the firm
    This liability has not been shown in the above balance sheet, but the same is to be recorded now.
  6. The amount payable to Y to be transferred to his loan account.
    J.L.P is surrendered at book value.
    Prepare the revaluation account, partners’ capital account, and the balance sheet of X and 2 after Y’s retirement.

The solution of Question 37 Chapter 6 of +2 Part-1: –

Day - 130 | Solution of Questions 37 | Retirement of a Partner Chapter 6 Accounts class 12 PSEB

Revaluation account
To electric type writer A/c 800By stock 2,000
To plant & Machinery A/c 2800By land & building A/c 3,600
To outstanding salary 2000By reserve for debts 2,000
To capital A/c     
  7600  7600



Value of the goodwill of the firm 14,000
Y’s share 4,200
To be debited to X & Y in new profit sharing ratio . Hence amount to be debited is  
X 2,400
Partners’ Capital Account 
To Y’s capital A/c2,400 1,800By Balance b/d32,00024,00020,000
To Y’s loan A/c 34,800 By reserve fund8,0006,0006,000
    By Revaluation A/c800600600
    By X’s capital A/c 2,400 
    By Z’s capital A/c 1,800 
To Balance c/d 38,40024,800    
 40,80034,80026,600 40,80034,80026,600
Balance Sheet
Creditors 7,000LAND & BUILDING 39,600
Bills payable 3,000Plant & Machinery 25,200
Y’s loan A/c 2,000Electric typewriter 7,200
Provision for outstanding salary 34,800Stock 12,000
Capital A/c  Debtors 14,000
X 38,400Bank 2,000
Y 24,800   
  1,10,000  1,10,000


Comment if you have any questions.

End of Solution

Check Out the Solution of all questions of this chapter:

The solution to all questions of Chapter No. 6 – Partnership Accounts – V (Retirement and Death of A Partner) Class 12 Usha Publication – 2024 is shown as follows, click on the image of the question to get the solution.

Question 03 Chapter 6 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1


Question 09 Chapter 6 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1



Question 15 Chapter 6 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1



Question 21 Chapter 6 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1


Question 27 Chapter 6 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1



Question 33 Chapter 6 of +2 Part- 1 – USHA Publication



Question 39 Chapter 6 of +2 Part- 1 – USHA Publication


Question 48 Chapter 6 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1



Question 54 Chapter 6 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1



Question 60 Chapter 6 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1


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End of Post

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Chapter-Wise Solution of Usha Publication Accountancy – Part 1 Class 12 – Session 2024-25 as per the PSEB curriculum

Check out Solutions to all questions of the every chapter shown as under. The Solution of Accountancy – Part 1 Class 12 – Session 2024-25 is provided as per the new book published by Usha Publication.

Chapter No. 1 – Accounting Not-for-Profit Organisations (Deleted from the Syllabus)

Chapter No. 2 – Partnership Accounts – I (Introduction)

Chapter No. 3 – Partnership Accounts – II (Goodwill: Nature and Valuation)

Chapter No. 4 – Partnership Accounts – III (Reconstitution of Partnership)

Chapter No. 5 – Partnership Accounts – IV (Admission of A Partner)


Chapter No. 6 – Partnership Accounts – V (Retirement and Death of A Partner)

Chapter No. 7 – Partnership Accounts – VI (Dissolution of Partnership Firm)

Also, Check out our Comprehensive Chapter-wise solution of Advanced Accountancy Part 1 Class 12 by Unimax Publication

Check out Part 2 of both books.

In Class 12th the accountancy has 2 books i.e. Part 1 and Part 2. The Books related to the Part 1 are shown above. but If you want to know more about Part 2, you can check it out from the following links. We have provided the links to both books i.e. Accountancy Part 2 by Usha Publication and Advanced Accountancy Part 2 by Unimax Publication.

1. Accountancy – Part 2 Class 12 – Session 2024-25 By Usha Publication

2. Advanced Accountancy Part 2 Class 12 by Unimax Publication


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