
Insurance Policy Method of Depreciation | Example |

Insurance Policy Method Feature image
Insurance Policy Method Feature image


Insurance Policy Method: 

In the Insurance Policy Method, An endowment policy is taken from an insurance company for an amount which is sufficient for the replacement of an asset. It is similar to the sinking fund method only difference is we take insurance policy instead of an investment. The term insurance policy will be equal to the life of an asset.


Journal Entries for Insurance Policy Method:

1st Year: 

Following two entries posted when asset purchased and remaining will be posted at the end of the year 

1) Asset A/c                                 Dr     ________

To Bank A/c                                                 ________

(Being asset purchased )


2) Depreciation Insurance Policy A/c   A/c    Dr.   ________

To Bank A/c                                         ________

(Being Premium of an Insurance policy paid)

*In most cases, the Insurance policy will be purchased at the same time of purchase of an asset because then we will get the maximum amount of required amount to replace an asset)

3) Depreciation A/c                        Dr     ________

To Depreciation Fund A/c                                 ________


(Being dep. charged for the year)

4) Profit/loss A/c                            Dr.    ________

To Depreciation A/c                              ________

(Being dep. of the year transferred to P/L A/c)

5) Depreciation Insurance Policy A/c   A/c    Dr.   ________

To Depreciation Fund A/c                                     ________


(Being increase in the balance of policy – If any)

Subsequent Years: –

1) Depreciation Insurance Policy A/c   A/c    Dr.   ________

To Bank A/c                                         ________

(Being the Premium of an Insurance policy paid)

2) Depreciation A/c                        Dr     ________


To Depreciation Fund A/c                                 ________

(Being dep. charged for the year)

3) Profit/loss A/c                            Dr.    ________

To Depreciation A/c                              ________

(Being dep. of the year transferred to P/L A/c)

4) Depreciation Insurance Policy A/c   A/c    Dr.   ________


To Depreciation Fund A/c                                     ________

(Being increase in the balance of policy – If any)

In the Last Year: –

1) Depreciation Insurance Policy A/c   A/c    Dr.   ________

To Bank A/c                                         ________

(Being the Premium of an Insurance policy paid)


2) Depreciation A/c                        Dr     ________

To Depreciation Fund A/c                                 ________

(Being dep. charged for the year)

3) Profit/loss A/c                            Dr.    ________

To Depreciation A/c                              ________

(Being dep. of the year transferred to P/L A/c)


4) Depreciation Insurance Policy A/c   A/c    Dr.   ________

To Depreciation Fund A/c                                     ________

(Being increase in the balance of policy – If any)

5) Bank A/c                                         Dr.  ________

To Depreciation Insurance Policy a/c                  ________

(Being received the amount of insurance policy on maturity – At par)




5) Bank A/c                                         Dr.   ________

Depreciation Fund A/c                                Dr.   ________

To Depreciation Insurance Policy a/c                 ________

(Being received the amount of insurance policy on maturity – At loss)



5) Bank A/c                                         Dr.  ________

To Depreciation Insurance Policy a/c                ________

To Depreciation Fund A/c                                  ________

(Being received the amount of insurance policy on maturity – At Profit)

Example of Insurance Policy method of depreciation:

On 1st April 2017,  A lease of land is purchased for four years for Rs. 1,00,00,000/- and it is decided to make provision for the replacement of the lease by means of an insurance policy purchased for an annual premium of Rs. 23,50,000/- with the amount of sum assured Rs 1,00,00,000/- on the maturity date 31/03/2021.

Solution: –


We will post all the journal entries year by year shown as following according to the Insurance policy Method of Depreciation: – 

Date ParticularsL.F. Debit  Credit 
01-AprLease (Land) A/cDr.1,00,00,000
To Bank A/c1,00,00,000
(Being land purchased on lease )
31-MarDepreciation Insurance Policy A/cDr.23,50,000
To Bank A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation on asset charged)
31-MarDepreciation A/cDr.23,50,000
To Depreciation Fund A/c  23,50,000
(Being Depreciation on asset charged)
31-MarProfit or loss A/cDr.23,50,000
To Depreciation A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation transfer to P&L A/c)
31-MarDepreciation Insurance Policy A/cDr.23,50,000
To Bank A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation on asset charged)
31-MarDepreciation A/cDr.23,50,000
To Depreciation Fund A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation on asset charged)
31-MarProfit or loss A/cDr.23,50,000
To Depreciation A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation transfer to P&L A/c)
31-MarDepreciation Insurance Policy A/cDr.23,50,000
To Bank A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation on asset charged)
31-MarDepreciation A/cDr.23,50,000
To Depreciation Fund A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation on asset charged)
31-MarProfit or loss A/cDr.23,50,000
To Depreciation A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation transfer to P&L A/c)
31-MarDepreciation Insurance Policy A/cDr.23,50,000
To Bank A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation on asset charged)
31-MarDepreciation A/cDr.23,50,000
To Depreciation Fund A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation on asset charged)
31-MarProfit or loss A/cDr.23,50,000
To Depreciation A/c23,50,000
(Being Depreciation transfer to P&L A/c)
31-MarBank A/cDr.1,00,00,000
To Depreciation Insurance Policy A/c94,00,000
TO Depreciation Fund A/c6,00,000
(Being on maturity we received an amount of sum assured of an insurance policy)
31-MarDepreciation Fund A/cDr.1,00,00,000
To Lease (Land) A/c1,00,00,000
(Being the Balance of the Depreciation fund account transferred to the Lease account)

Now, we will post all these transactions in the ledger according to the Insurance Policy Method of Depreciation: –

Lease (Land) Account
DateParticulars Amount DateParticulars Amount 
01-04-17To Bank A/c1,00,00,000
31-03-18By Balance C/d1,00,00,000
01-04-18To Balance B/d1,00,00,000
31-03-19By Balance C/d1,00,00,000
01-04-19To Balance B/d1,00,00,000
31-03-20By Balance C/d1,00,00,000
01-04-20To Balance B/d1,00,00,00031-03-21By Depreciation Fund A/c1,00,00,000
31-03-21By Balance C/d                 –
Depreciation Fund Account
DateParticulars Amount DateParticulars Amount 
31-03-18By Depreciation A/c23,50,000
31-03-18To Balance C/d23,50,000
                 –31-03-19By Balance B/d23,50,000
31-03-19To Balance C/d47,00,00031-03-19By Depreciation A/c23,50,000
                 –31-03-20By Balance B/d47,00,000
31-03-20To Balance C/d70,50,00031-03-20By Depreciation A/c23,50,000
31-03-21To Lease(Land) A/c10,00,00031-03-21By Balance B/d70,50,000
                 –31-03-21By Depreciation A/c23,50,000
31-03-21To Balance C/d                               –31-03-21By Bank A/c (Profit)6,00,000
Depreciation Account
DateParticulars Amount DateParticulars Amount 
31-03-18To Depreciation Fund Account A/c23,50,00031-03-18By Profit/Loss A/c23,50,000
31-03-19To Depreciation Fund Account A/c23,50,00031-03-19By Profit/Loss A/c23,50,000
31-03-20To Depreciation Fund Account A/c23,50,00031-03-20By Profit/Loss A/c23,50,000
31-03-21To Depreciation Fund Account A/c23,50,00031-03-21By Profit/Loss A/c23,50,000
Insurance Policy Account
DateParticulars Amount DateParticulars Amount 
01-04-17To Bank A/c23,50,000
01-04-18By Balance C/d23,50,000
01-04-18To Balance B/d23,50,000
01-04-18To Bank A/c23,50,00001-04-19By Balance C/d47,00,000
02-04-19To Balance B/d47,00,000
02-04-19To Bank A/c23,50,00001-04-20By Balance C/d70,50,000
01-04-20To Balance B/d70,50,00001-04-21By Bank A/c94,00,000
01-04-20To Bank A/c23,50,00001-04-21By Balance C/d

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