
Difference between Controlling and Planning

Difference between Controlling and Planning
Difference between Controlling and Planning


The difference between Controlling and planning refers to the different functions performed by a manager to run the activities of the organization. In Controlling, the manager taking feedback to check the compatibility and efficiency. On the other hand, Planning means deciding the way to do the actual work


What is Controlling:

It refers to measuring the performance and taking the employees’ feedback to check the compatibility and efficiency. It brings back the management cycle to planning and ensures the work according to plan.

In the controlling process a manager taking reports from the employees whether they have achieved the task or not if yes then ok but if they have not reached their task then-manager try no find the cause behind that and resolve the problem accordingly. So this is important for the manager to find out where his employees are doing right and where they are lacking.

“Controlling is determining what is being accomplished, that is evaluating the performance and, if necessary, applying corrected measures so that the performance takes place according to plan.”



Importance of Controlling:

The controlling function ensures everyone follows the plan with the motive to achieve the organizational goals. there are some points which explain the importance :

1. Controlling is a Measurement tool of accuracy

2. It helps in achieving the organizational goals

 3. Focus on better utilization of resources

4. Ensures Order and Discipline

What is Planning:

It means to decide the way to do the actual work. It helps to achieve the organization’s goals very effectively. It provides the right path for executing the activities in the right direction.



“Planning bridges the gap from where we want to go. It makes possible for things to occur while would not otherwise happen.”

– Koontz and o’ Donnell

Importance of Planning:

This is an intellectual task and has great significance to organizations. So let’s discuss some points:

1. Right direction

2. Reduction of uncertainty

3. Reduction in wasteful activities


4. Planning enhancing innovative ideas

5. Planning facilitates fast decision making

The Chart of difference between Controlling and Planning 

Points of differences

Meaning It refers to measuring performance. It means to decide the way to do the actual work.
Nature of work Controlling is backward-lookingPlanning is forward-looking.
Steps Controlling is the last step in a management function. Planning is the first step in management functions.
FunctionsControlling includes the measurement of the employee’s performance and feedback.Planning includes the functions related to how, when, where, and who will do the work.
ImportanceIn the management functions, controlling is the last step. without feedback, a manager cannot judge the performance of the employee.Other functions are only performed in a better way if planning is done. In other words, we can say that other managerial functions depend upon the planning.                                                                                         
GoalsControlling ensures that the Target is achieved or not.The main motive of planning is to set goals.

Download the chart: –

If you want to download the chart please download the following image and PDF file:-

Chart of difference between Controlling and Planning
Chart of difference between Controlling and Planning
chart of difference between controlling and planning
Chart of difference between Controlling and Planning

The conclusion of the Difference: –

Thus, controlling is a process in which a manager taking reports or feedback from the employees to check efficiency. On the other side, Planning provides the right path for executing the activities in the right direction and this is the first step in the management function to look forward to future activities. Controlling and Planning both are very important for the growth of the organization because activities start from planning and end with feedback from the employees which is related to control.

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