
Question No 38 Chapter No 12 – T.S. Grewal 11 Class

Question No 38 Chapter No 12
Question No.38 - Chapter No.12 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019-Solution-min-min


Question No 38 Chapter No 12


38. From the following extracts from the cash book and passbook for the month of January 2018, prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement:

Dr.Cashbook adjustment Cr.
2018   2018   
Jan. 2To balance b/d 4,510Jan. 2By S. Gidwani & Co A/c 1,230
Jan. 3To cash A/c 300Jan. 6By wages A/c 3,000
Jan. 10To G. Basu & co., A/c 1,000Jan. 14By Bsau & Co., A/c
(Cheque dishonoured)
Jan. 15To Mohan & Co., A/c 2,300Jan. 15By V. Kumar & Sons A/c 300
Jan. 17To Cash A/c 600Jan. 18By S. Sharda & Sons A/c 470
Jan. 20To M. Mohan & Bros. A/c 1,550Jan. 24By Cash A/c 400
Jan. 24To T.P. Bhalla & Co., A/c 740Jan. 28
By R. Ramadas & Co., A/c 780
Jan. 31To S. Leader & sons A/c 2,310Jan. 28
By B. Bansal & bros. A/c 340
    Jan. 31By Balance C/d 5,610
   19040   19040


Withdrawals Rs Deposits Rs
Dr. Or Cr.Balance
Jan. 1By Balance  Cr.4,510
Jan. 3By cash 300Cr.4,810
Jan. 6To Selves- cash3,000 Cr.1,810
Jan. 10To S. Gidwani & co1,230 Cr.580
Jan. 16To Mohan & Co., 2,300Cr.2,880
Jan. 17To Cash 600Cr.3,480
Jan. 20To S. Sharda & Sons470 Cr3,010
Jan. 24To Cash400 Cr2,610
Jan. 31To Bank Charges10 Cr2,600
Jan. 31To Life insurance premium as per instruction s250 Cr2,350
Jan. 31By interest on Government securities 300Cr2,650


The solution of Question No 38 Chapter No 12: –  


Bank Reconciliation Statement
ParticularPlus Items
Minus Items
Balance as per Cash Book(Dr)5,610 
Cheque of T.P Bhalla & C., and S leader & sons of Rs 1,550, Rs 740 and Rs 2,130 dis not Benn cleared 4,420
Cheque issued to V. Kumar, R. Ramdas Co., and B. Bansal did receive for payment of Rs 300, Rs 780 and Rs 3401,420 
Bank charges did not enter in the cash book 10
A life insurance premium paid by bank did not enter in the cash book 250
Interest on government securities did not enter in the cash book300 
Balance as per pass Book  2,650


To understand more about cash book please check out following links: –

Bank Reconciliation Statement | Process | Illustration |


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T.S. Grewal's Double Entry Book Keeping

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping


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