
Question No 35 Chapter No 8 – T.S. Grewal 11 Class

Question No. 35 - Chapter No.8 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019
Question No. 35 - Chapter No.8 - T.S. Grewal +1 Book 2019


Question No 35 Chapter No 8


Pass the Opening Entry from the following Balance sheet as at 31st March 2018 of Vikas:

Liabilities RsAssetsRs
Capital A/c   Land and Building 1,50,000
Opening Balance 5,05,115 Plant and Machinery2,50,750
Add:  Profit for the year1,20,115 Chandra & Sons 71,270
 6,25,230 Closing Stock 56,250
Less: Drawing 60,0005,65,230Cash in Hand 15,700
Salary Payable  15,000Cash at Bank 75,250
Magic Traders 27,220  
Babbar & Co.  11,770  
  6,19,220 6,19,220

The solution of Question No 35 Chapter No 8: – 

In the Books of Manoj Store:

Date  Particulars
1st AprilLand and Building A/cDr. 1,50,000 
 Plant and Machinery A/cDr. 2,50,750 
 Chandra & Sons. A/cDr. 71,270 
 Stock in Trade A/cDr. 56,250 
 Cash in Hand A/cDr. 15,700 
 Cash at Bank A/cDr. 75,250 
           To Ramesh’s A/c   5,65,230
           To Salary Payable A/c   15,000
           To Magic Trades A/c   27,220
           To Babbar & Co.A/c   11,770
 (Being balances of assets and liabilities and capital brought forward.)   

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T.S. Grewal's Double Entry Book Keeping

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping


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