
Question no 19 Chapter 1 – Unimax Class 12 Part 2 – 2021

Question no -19 Chapter no-1 Unimax Class-12 Part-II
Question no -19 Chapter no-1 Unimax Class-12 Part-II


Question No  19 Chapter 1 – Unimax Class 12 Part 2 – 2021


The Nagak cotton Mills Ltd. was registered on 1st Jan.2022 with a capital of ₹ 10,00,000 divided into 1,00,000 shares of ₹ 10 each. The company issued 60,000 shares of which 40,000 shares were taken up by the public and ₹ 1 per share was received with application. On 1st February, these shares were allotted and ₹ 2 per share was duly received on 28th February as allotment money. A first call of ₹ 3 per share was made on 1st March and the call money on all shares was received. The final call of ₹ 4 per shares was mode on 1st June and the amount due, was received by 30th June. Pass the necessary journal and cash book entries and prepare the balance sheet as at 30th June,2022.

The solution of Question 19 Chapter 1 of +2 Part-2: –

Cash Book (Bank column only)

Date ParticularsJ.F.AmountDate ParticularsJ.F.Amount
2022   2022   
Feb.1To Share application A/c 40,000June 30By Balance C/d 4,00,000
 (₹ 1 on 40,000 shares)      
Feb.28To Share allotment A/c 80,000    
 (₹ 2 on 40,000 shares)      
March 1To Share first call A/c 1,20,000    
 (₹ 3 on 40,000 shares)      
June 30To Share final call A/c 1,60,000    
 (₹ 4 on 40,000 shares)      
   3,98,100   3,98,100


Date  Particulars
Feb.1Shares Application A/cDr. 40,000 
 To Share capital A/c   40,000
 (Being the application money transferred to share capital A/c)    
Feb.1Share Allotment A/cDr. 80,000 
 To Shares capital A/c  80,000
 (Being the allotment money due on 40,000 share @ ₹ 2 per share)    
March 1Shares first call A/cDr. 1,20,000 
 To Share capital A/c  1,20,000
 (Being the amount due on 30,000 shares on first call @ ₹ 3 per share)    
 Shares final call A/cDr. 1,60,000 
 To Share capital A/c  1,60,000
 (Being the amount due on 30,000 shares on final call @ ₹ 4 per share)   

Balance Sheet
(As per new schedule vi of companies Act

Current year ₹Previous year ₹
Equity and Liabilities   
1 Shareholders funds14,00,000 
a. share capital 4,00,000 
Share capital   
2. Assets   
1.Current Assets   
2.Non Current Assets   
Cash and cash equivalents24,00,000



Total 4,00,000 

Note to Amounts


1 share capital : 
Authorized capital
1,00,000 shares of ₹ 10 each
Issued capital: 
60,000 shares of ₹ 10 each60,00,000
Subscribed capital 
Subscribed and fully paid up Capital 
40,000 shares of ₹ 10 each4,00,000
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash at bank4,00,000

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Share Capital: Meaning, Types, and Classes

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