
Question 47 Chapter 1 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1

Question 47 Chapter 1 of +2- Part-
Q-47 - CH-1 - Usha +2 Book 2018 - Solution


Question 47 Chapter 1 of +2-Part-1


47. (I & E A/c/ B/S) Following is the Receipts and Payments account of Manav Sewa Sangh for the year ending 31st December 2015:

Receipts Rs.PaymentsRs. 
To balance b/d – Cash in hand800By salaries300
To subscriptions: By stationary300
2014 (previous year)50By rates300
20151,000By telephone charges100
2016(new year)200By investments(4% Govt securities purchased on 30.6.2015)1,000
To admission fees3,200By sundry expenses150
To dividend on shares800By balance c/d500
 2,650 2,650

Further information:
1) There are 600 members paying annual subscription Of Rs. 2 per head, Rs.90 being in arrear for 2014 at the beginning of 2015.
2) Stock of stationery on 31st December 2014 was Rs.200, on 31st December, 2015-Rs.100.
3) The rates were paid for 15 months up to 31st March 2016.
4) Sundry expenses outstanding on 31st December 2014 were Rs.50.
5) Telephone charges for 3 months outstanding, the amount due is Rs.40.
6) At 31st December 2014 – investments in shares were Rs.4,000.
7) At 31st December 2014 – the building stood in the books at Rs.10,000 and it is required to write off depreciation at 5% p.a.
You are required to prepare:
(a) the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st December 2015 and
(b) the balance sheet as on that date.

The solution of Question 47 Chapter 1 of +2 Part-1: – 

Income and Expenditure account of Manav Sewa Sangh For the year ending 31st December 2015
To salaries 300By subscriptions1,000 
To stationary300 Add: outstanding (600*2)-1,0002001,200
Add: opening stock200 By dividend on shares 200
Less: closing stock100400By interest on investments
(1,000 x 4/100 x 6/12)
To rates300 By excess of expenditure over income (deficit) 260
Less: Prepaid 1/560360   
To telephone charges100    
Add: outstanding40140   
To sundry expenses150    
Less: paid for 201450100   
To depreciation on building @5% 500   
  1,680  1,680
Balance Sheet As on 31st March 2015
Capital Fund:  Cash in hand 500
-Opening Balance15,040 Outstanding Subscriptions:  
Add: Admission fees400 -2014 (90 – 50)40 
Less: Deficiency26015,180-2015200240
Outstanding telephone charges 40Stock of stationary 100
Subscriptions received in advance 200Prepaid rates (300 x 3/15) 60
   Investments in shares 4,000
   4% Investments 1,000
   Accrued interest 20
   Less: Depreciation5009,500
  15,420  15,420

Working Note:
1. Opening Capital Fund:

Balance Sheet As on 1st January 2015
Outstanding sundry expenses 50Outstanding Subscriptions 90
Capital Fund (Balancing Figure) 15,040Cash in hand 800
   Stock of stationary 200
   Building 10,000
   Investments in shares 4,000
  15,090  15,090

Note: In the absence of any instructions, the legacy has been treated as revenue income as the amount was very small.


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Also, Check out the solved question of previous Chapters: –

Usha Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Volume I – Solution

Usha Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Volume II – Solution

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