
Question 45 Chapter 1 of +2-A – T.S. Grewal 12 Class Part – A Vol. 1

Question 45 Chapter 1 of +2-A
Question No.45 - Chapter No.1 - T.S. Grewal +2 Book Part-A 2019-Solution-min-minQuestion No.45 - Chapter No.1 - T.S. Grewal +2 Book Part-A 2019-Solution-min-min


Question 45 Chapter 1 of +2-A


45. Glaxo Club’s Balance Sheet as at 1st April 2018 was as under:

Liabilities Rs.AssetsRs. 
Capital Fund2,00,000Sports Equipment50,000
Tournament Fund60,000Grounds1,20,000
Subscriptions in Advance6,000Billiards Tables60,000
Salaries Unpaid11,000Subscriptions Outstanding8,000
  Cash and Bank Balances39,000
 6,51,500 6,51,500


RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st March 2019
Receipts Rs.PaymentsRs. 
To Opening Balance39,000By Wages and Salaries60,000
To Subscriptions1,81,000By Upkeep of Grounds10,000
To Sale of Old Materials1,500By Stationery15,000
To Sale of Sports Equipment6,000By Audit fee2,000
     (Book Value Rs 10,000) By Expenses on Tournament65,000
To Entrance fees2,000By Sports Equipment20,000
To Life Membership Fees50,000By 5% Investments40,000
To Donations for Tournament20,000      (On 1st October 2018) 
  By Cash and Bank Balances87,500
 6,51,500 6,51,500

Additional Information:

Subscriptions still to be received are Rs 5,500 but subscriptions already received include Rs 4,000 for next year. Salaries still unpaid are Rs 6,000. Sports Equipment is now valued at Rs 45,000. Prepare Income and Expenditure Account and the Balance sheet, after charging 10% depreciation on Billiards Tables.


The solution of Question 45 Chapter 1 of +2-A: –

Income and Expenditure Account (for the year ended 31st March 2019)

To Wages and Salaries60,000 By Subscription 2018-19*1,81,000 
Add: – Closing Unpaid Salaries6,000 Add O/s Sub. at the end5,500 
Less: – Opening Unpaid Salaries11,00055,000Adv. Sub. In the Beginning6,000 
To Upkeep of Grounds 10,000Less: O/s. Sub. In the Beginning8,000 
To Stationery 15,000Adv. Sub. at the end4,0001,80,500
To Audit fee 2,000By Sale of Old Materials 1,500
To Loss on sale of Sports Equipment* 4,000By Entrance Fees 2,000
To Consumption of Sport Equipment* 15,000By Accrued Interest on investment* 1,000
To Depreciation on Billiards Tables* 6,000   
To Surplus(Balancing Figure) 78,000   
  1,85,000  1,85,000


Balance Sheet (for the year ended 31st March 2018)
Capital Fund2,00,000 Cash in Hand 87,500
Add: – Surplus78,0002,78,000Cash at Bank 45,000
Outstanding Salaries            6,000Grounds 1,20,000
Advance Subscription for 19-20 4,000Billiards Tables60,000 
Tournament Fund* 15,000Less: Depreciation6,00054,000
Life Membership Fees 50,000Outstanding Subscription 5,500
   5% of Investments 40,000
   Accrued Interest 1,000
  3,53,000  3,53,000


Working Note: –
Calculation of Amount of Subscriptions

Subscription received During the year1,81,000
Add: – Subscription outstanding at the end of the year5,500
Subscription received in advance at the beginning of the year6,000
Less: – Subscription outstanding at the beginning of the year8,000
Subscription received in advance at the end of the year4,000
The amount for subscription credited to the Income and Expenditure A/c1,80,500

Calculation of Total Interest on Investment
Interest on Investment = Value of Investment X Rate of Interest X Period
Value of Asset = 40,000
Rate of Interest = 10%
Period = from 01/10/18 to 31/03/19 i.e. 6 months
(from the date of purchase to the end of the financial year)
= 40,000 X 10/100 X 6/12
Total Interest on Investment = 1,000/-

Calculation of the Accrued amount of Interest on Investment 
Total Amount of Interest on Investment For the F/Y 19-201,000
Less: – Total Amount Interest on Investment received For the F/Y 19-200
Accrued amount of Interest on Investment For the F/Y 19-201,000


Calculation of the amount of Profit/loss on the sale of Sports Equipment 
Sale Value of Sports Equipment6,000
Less: – Book Value of Sports Equipment10,000
Loss on sale of Sports Equipment– 4,000




Calculation of the amount of consumption of Sports Equipment 
Opening Balance of Sports Equipment50,000
Add: – Purchase of Sports Equipment during the year20,000
Less: – Book Value of Sports Equipment10,000
Less: – Closing Value of Sports Equipment45,000
Loss on sale of Sports Equipment 15,000

Calculate Depreciation on Billiards Table
Depreciation = Value of Asset X Rate of Depreciation X Period
Value of Asset = 60,000
Rate of Depreciation = 10%
Period = from 01/04/18 to 31/03/19 i.e. 12 months
(from the date of purchase/Beginning balance to the end of the financial year)
= 60,000 X 10/100 X 12/12
Depreciation = 6,000/-

Calculate Tournament Fund 
Opening Tournament Fund60,000
Add: – Received Donation for tournament20,000
Less: – Tournament Expenses65,000
Closing Tournament Fund 15,000


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Also, Check out the solved question of previous Chapters: –

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping +2 (Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication


+2 Book 1-min
Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms


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