
Question 44 Chapter 1 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1

Question 44 Chapter 1 of +2- Part-
Q-44 - CH-1 - Usha +2 Book 2018 - Solution


Question 44 Chapter 1 of +2-Part-1


44. (I & E A/c/ B/S) Following Receipts and Payments Account has been prepared from cash book of Ganges Club, Kanpur:

Receipts Rs.PaymentsRs. 
To balance on 1-4-1725By rents and rates1,680
To member’s entrance fees231By printing and advertising800
To subscription of playing members: By postage and stationary278
  2016-1763By wages and umpire’s fees1,200
  2017-18600By players’ travelling expenses500
To subscription of Honorary members: By repairs to pavillion209
2016-17260By extension of Pavillion1,956
2017-184,725By wicket matting221
2018-19120By bats balls etc455
To public matches1,120By balance on 31-3-18216
To interest on fixed deposit @10% p.a.141  
To sale of old newspapers230  
 7,515 7,515

An examination of invoices, vouchers, and other records disclosed the following information:
Rent at Rs.100 per month has been paid only up to 31-12-17 and rates have been paid in advance to the extent of Rs.120. There is Rs.180 owing for wages and umpire’s fees and a bill for Rs.55 for bats, balls, etc. is still outstanding. Playing members’ subscriptions are Rs.40 in arrear for the year and the amount still owing by Honorary members is Rs.425.
Make out the Income and Expenditure Account and the balance sheet as of 31st March 2018.

The solution of Question 44 Chapter 1 of +2 Part-1: – 

Income and Expenditure account of Ganges Club For the year ending 31st March 2018
To printing and advertising 800By entrance fees 231
To rent and rates1,680 By subscription of players600 
Add: outstanding(3*100)300 Add: outstanding40640
Less: prepaid rates1208,160By Honorary’s subscription4,725 
To postage and stationary 278Add: outstanding4255,150
To wages and umpire’s fees1,200 By public matches 1,120
Add: outstanding wages1801,380By interest on fixed deposit 141
To traveling expenses 500By sale of old newspapers 230
To repairs to Pavillion 209   
To wicket matting 221   
To bats balls etc:455    
Add: outstanding bill55510   
To the excess of surplus  over expenditure 1,754   
  7,512  7,512
Balance Sheet As of 31st March 2018
Capital Fund:  Cash in hand 216
-Balance on 1-4-171,758 Extension to Pavillion 1,956
Add: Surplus1,7543,512Fixed deposits(100/ 10 x 141) 1410
Outstanding wages 180Prepaid rates 120
Outstanding rent 300Outstanding subscriptions:  
Subscription received in advance 120Playing members40 
Outstanding for bats and balls 55Honorary members425465
  4,167  4,167

Working Note:
1. Opening Capital Fund:

Balance Sheet As of 1st April 2017
Capital Fund (Balancing Figure) 1,758Cash in hand 25
   Fixed deposits (140 x 100/10) 1,410
   Subscription due:  
   Playing members 63
   Honorary members 260
  1,758  1,758

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Also, Check out the solved question of previous Chapters: –

Usha Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Volume I – Solution

Usha Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Volume II – Solution

Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication

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Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms


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