
Question 38 Chapter 1 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1

Question 38 Chapter 1 of +2- Part-
Q-38 - CH-1 - Usha +2 Book 2018 - Solution


Question 38 Chapter 1 of +2-Part-1


38. (I & EA/c/ Donation/ B/S/ Opening Fund Required/ GST) Following is the Receipts and Payments Account of Our Paradise Club for the year ending 31st March 2017:

RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st March 2017
Receipts Rs.PaymentsRs. 
Cash in hand50Salaries2,400
Cash at bank565Rent720
Subscriptions(Including Rs.100 for 2015-16 and Rs.150 of 2017-18) Postage30
 4550Printing and Stationery255
Interest on Investments2,000Electricity Charges300
Bank Interest25Meeting Expenses150
Sale of Furniture300Purchase of library books1,000
  Investments in Bonds1,000
  Cash in hand155
  Cash at Bank1,480
 7,490 7,490

The following additional information is supplied to you:
1) On 1st April 2016, the Club had the following assets and liabilities:
a) Investments costing Rs.40,000, (b) Furniture Rs.3,000, (c) library books Rs.5,000.
b) Liability for rent Rs.60 and for salary Rs.200
2) On 31st March 2017, rent of Rs.80 and Salary of Rs.250 were in arrear. Arrear of Rent is subject to levy of CGST & SGST @ 9% each.
3) The book value of the Furniture was Rs.250.
Prepare the Income and Expenditure Account of the Club for the year ending 31st March 2017 and the Balance Sheet as on that date.

The solution of Question 38 Chapter 1 of +2 Part-1: –

Income and Expenditure account of Paradise Club For the year ending 31st March 2017
To salaries2,400 By subscriptions5,000 
Add: outstanding250 Less: Received for 2015-16100 
Less: Paid for the previous year2002,450Received for 2017-181504,300
To rent720 By interest on investments 2,000
Add: Outstanding80 By bank interest 25
Less: Paid for the previous year60740By profit on sale of furniture 50
To postage 30   
To printing and stationary 255   
To Electricity Charges 300   
To Meeting Expenses 150   
To excess of income over expenditure (Surplus) 2,450   
  6,375  6,375
Balance Sheet As on 31st March 2017
Outstanding Expenses :  Cash in hand 155
– Rent94.40 Cash at Bank 1,480
 – Salary250344.40Investments40,000 
Subscription received in advance 150Add: Purchased now1,00041,000
Capital Fund:  Furniture3,000 
– Opening Balance48,455 Less: Sold2502,750
Add: Surplus2,45050,905Library books5,000 
   Add : Purchased Now1,0006,000
   Input CGST 7.20
   Input SGST 7.20
  51,399.40  51,399.40

Working Note:
1. Opening Capital Fund:

Balance Sheet As on 1-4-2016
Outstanding Expenses :  Cash in hand 50
– Rent60 Cash at Bank 565
– Salary200260Outstanding Subscriptions 100
Capital Fund (Balancing Figure) 48,455Investments 40,000
   Furniture 3,000
   Library Books 5,000
  48,715  48,715

2) Treatment of Outstanding Rent
For outstanding rent adjustment entry will be:


Rent a/cDr. 80 
Input CGST a/c (9% of 80)Dr. 7.20 
Input SGST a/c (9% of 80)Dr. 7.20 
To Outstanding Rent a/c   94.40

O/S rent Rs. 80 is added in Income and Expenditure Account in Figure of rent paid. Input CGST & Input SGST of Rs. 7.20 each will be shown as current assets and O/S rent of Rs. 94.40 will be shown as a current liability on the balance sheet.

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Also, Check out the solved question of previous Chapters: –

Usha Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Volume I – Solution

Usha Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Volume II – Solution


Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication


+2 Book 1-min
Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms



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