
Question 36 Chapter 1 of +2 Part-1 – USHA Publication 12 Class Part – 1

Question 36 Chapter 1 of +2- Part-
Q-36 - CH-1 - Usha +2 Book 2018 - Solution


Question 36 Chapter 1 of +2-Part-1


36. (Income & Expenditure Account) Given below is the Receipts and Payments Account of Club for the year ending 31st December 2018 :

ReceiptsAmountPayments Amount
To balance b/d1,500By salaries600
To subscriptions: By expenses100
201750By drama expenses500
20182,000By newspapers120
201980By municipal taxes60
To donations550By charity400
To sale of drama tickets 1,050By investments2,000
To sale of waste paper50By electricity charges200
To entrance fees300By payment of new furniture1,000
  By balance c/d600
 5,580 5,580

Prepare the club’s Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31st December 2018 and its balance sheet at that date after taking the following information into account:
a) There are 400 members each paying Rs.5 as an annual subscription. Rs.60 subscriptions are still outstanding for 2017.
b) Municipal taxes amounting to Rs.60 per annum have been paid up to 31st March 2019.
c) 6% has accrued on investments for five months.
d) Buildings stand in the books at Rs.5,000 on 1-1-2018.

The solution of Question 36 Chapter 1 of +2 Part-1: – 

Income and Expenditure account of ……. Club For the year ending 31st December 2018
To salaries 600By subscriptions 2,000
To expenses 100By donations 550
To drama expenses 500By sale of drama tickets 1,050
To newspapers 120By sale of waste paper 50
To Municipal taxes:60 By entrance fees 300
Less: Prepaid (3 months)1545By interest on investments
To Charity 400   
To Electricity 200   
To excess of income over expenditure (Surplus) 2,035   
  4,000  4,000
Balance Sheet As on 31st December 2018
Capital Fund:  Cash in hand600
Opening balance6,610 Building5,000
Add: Surplus158,645Outstanding Subscriptions: 201760
Subscription for 2019 received in advance 80Prepaid Municipal Taxes15
   Accrued Interest (2,000 x 6/100 x 5/12)50
  8,725 8,725

Working Note:

1. Opening Capital Fund:


Balance Sheet
As on 1-1-2018
Capital Fund ( Balancing Figure) 6,610Cash in hand 1,500
   Outstanding Subscription (50+60) 110
   Building 5,000
  6,610  6,610

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Also, Check out the solved question of previous Chapters: –

Usha Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Volume I – Solution

Usha Publication – Accountancy PSEB (Class 12) – Volume II – Solution

Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication

+2 Book 1-min
Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms


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