
Question 18 Chapter 4 of +2-A – T.S. Grewal 12 Class Part – A Vol. 1

Question 18 Chapter 4 of +2-A
Question No.18 Chapter No.4 - T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2019-Solution


Question 18 Chapter 4 of +2-A


18. Nitin, Tarun and Amar are partners sharing profits equally and decide to share profits in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1 w.e.f. 1st April, 2019. The extract of their Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2019 is as follows:

Liabilities Assets 
Investments Fluctuation Reserve60,000Investments (At Cost)4,00,000

Pass the Journal entries in each of the following situations:

  1. When its Market Value is not given;
  2. When its Market Value is 4,00,000;
  3. When its Market Value is 4,24,000;
  4. When its Market Value is 3,70,000;
  5. When its Market Value is 3,10,000.

The solution of Question 18 Chapter 4 of +2-A

In the cases I & II – The following journal entry will be posted in the books

In the Books of _______________
31st MarchInvestment Fluctuation Reserve A/cDr 60,000 
 To Nitin’s Capital A/c*1    20,000
 To Tarun’s Capital A/c*1   20,000
 To Amar’s Capital A/c *1   20,000
 (Being Adjustment for Investment Fluctuation Reserve)    



Working Note :

WN *1 Calculation of Share of Investment Fluctuation Reserve –
In the case I & II – The full amount of I.F.R distributed amount the partners because there is no fluctuation in the investment.

Amount to be Credited to Nitin’s Capital=60,000X1


Amount to be Credited to Tarun’s Capital=60,000X1


Amount to be Credited to Amar’s Capital=60,000X1


In case III – The following journal entry will be posted in the books



In the Books of _______________
April 1Investment Fluctuation Reserve A/cDr 60,000 
 To Nitin’s Capital A/c*1    20,000
 To Tarun’s Capital A/c*1   20,000
 To Amar’s Capital A/c *1   20,000
 (Being Adjustment for Investment Fluctuation Reserve)    
 Investment A/cDr 24,000 
 To Revaluation A/c   24,000
 (Being increase in the value of investment )    
 Revaluation A/cDr 24,000 
 To Nitin’s Capital A/c*1   8,000
 To Tarun’s Capital A/c*1   8,000
 To Amar’s Capital A/c *1   8,000
 (Being revaluation is profit distributed )    



Working Note :

WN *2 Calculation of Share of Investment Fluctuation Reserve – 
In the case III – The full amount of I.F.R distributed amount the partners because there is increase in the value of investment. The amount of increase in the value of the investment will be transferred to the revaluation a/c.

Amount to be Credited to Nitin’s Capital=60,000X1


Amount to be Credited to Tarun’s Capital=60,000X1



Amount to be Credited to Amar’s Capital=60,000X1


In the case IV – The following journal entry will be posted in the books


In the Books of _______________
April 1Investment Fluctuation Reserve A/cDr 60,000 
 To Investment A/c *3   30,000
 To Nitin’s Capital A/c*3   10,000
 To Tarun’s Capital A/c*3   10,000
 To Amar’s Capital A/c *3   10,000
 (Being Adjustment for Investment Fluctuation Reserve)    


Working Note : –

WN *3 Calculation of Share of Investment Fluctuation Reserve –
In the case IV – The amount of I.F.R distributed as following: –


Distributable Amount of I.F.R.=Total I.F.R. Balance – (Difference between Market value and Cost)
 =60,000 – (3,70,000 – 4,00,000)
Distributable Amount of I.F.R.=30,000


Amount to be Credited to Nitin’s Capital=30,000X1


Amount to be Credited to Tarun’s Capital=30,000X1



Amount to be Credited to Amar’s Capital=30,000X1

In the case V – The following journal entry will be posted in the books


In the Books of _______________
April 1Investment Fluctuation Reserve A/cDr 60,000 
 Revaluation A/cDr 30,000 
 To Investment A/c   90,000
 (Being total decrease in the value of the investment is Rs 90,000 and 60000 adjusted with the I.F.R account and balance from the revaluation a/c)    
 Nitin’s Capital A/c *4Dr 10,000 
 Tarun’s Capital A/c *4Dr 10,000 
 Amar’s Capital A/c *4Dr 10,000 
 To Revaluation A/c *3   30,000
 (Being revaluation is Loss distributed )    



Working Note : –

WN *4 Calculation of Share of Investment Fluctuation Reserve – 
In the case IV – The amount of I.F.R distributed as following: –

Distributable Amount of I.F.R.=Total I.F.R. Balance – (Difference between Market value and Cost)
 =60,000 – (3,10,000 – 4,00,000)
Distributable Amount of I.F.R.=(-)30,000


Amount to be Credited to Nitin’s Capital=30,000X1


Amount to be Credited to Tarun’s Capital=30,000X1


Amount to be Credited to Amar’s Capital=30,000X1




T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping +2 (Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms)

  • Chapter No. 1 – Financial Statement of Not-For-Profit Organisations
  • Chapter No. 2 – Accounting for Partnership Firms – Fundamentals
  • Chapter No. 3 – Goodwill: Nature and Valuation
  • Chapter No. 4 – Change in Profit-Sharing Ratio Among the Existing Partners
  • Chapter No. 5 – Admission of a Partner
  • Chapter No. 6 – Retirement/Death of a Partner
  • Chapter No. 7 – Dissolution of a Partnership Firm

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

  • Chapter No. 1 – Financial Statements of a Company
  • Chapter No. 2 – Financial Statement Analysis 
  • Chapter No. 3 – Tools of Financial Statement Analysis – Comparative Statements and Common- Size Statements
  • Chapter No. 4 – Accounting Ratios
  • Chapter No. 5 – Cash Flow Statement


Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication

+2 Book 1-min
Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms



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