
Hidden Goodwill – How to Calculate and Example

Hidden Goodwill Calculation and Example
Hidden Goodwill Calculation and Example


The amount of goodwill not given in the question is known as hidden goodwill. 


What is the Hidden Goodwill :

At the time of admission of a new partner, the amount of goodwill is not specified in the books, But the new partner has to bring his share of goodwill then the amount of goodwill is calculated, this amount is known as Hidden Goodwill. It is also known as Inferred Goodwill.

Formula to calculate Hidden Goodwill: – 

The hidden goodwill is calculated by calculating the difference between the capitalized value of the firm and capital invested (net worth) by all partners. The formula is shown as follows: –

Goodwill Capitalized Value of Firm Net worth(Capital) of Firm


Capitalized Value of Firm  Capital Invested by new Partner XReciprocal of his Share



Net worth(Capital) of FirmTotal Capital (Including New Partner’s share)+All reserve

Illustration of Hidden Goodwill: –

Raj and Ram are the partners in the RamRaj Co. ltd. with capital total balance as on date of admission is Rs 1,50,000 and 1,50,000 respectively. The firm has a balance in the general reserve of Rs 1,00,000. Lakshman joins the partnership with the amount of capital of Rs 2,00,000 for 2/7rd share of profit. Calculate the total amount of Firm goodwill and Lakshman share of goodwill. 

Solution: –

Goodwill Capitalized Value of Firm Net worth(Capital) of Firm


Capitalized Value of Firm Capital Invested by new Partner XReciprocal of his Share


Capitalized Value of Firm 2,00,000X7


Capitalized Value of Firm 7,00,000



Net worth(Capital) of FirmTotal Capital (Including New Partner’s share)+All reserve



Net worth(Capital) of Firm=(1,20,000+1,50,000+2,00,000)+90,000


Net worth(Capital) of Firm=5,60,000


Goodwill 7,00,000 5,60,000


Goodwill of the Firm1,40,000 


Share of Goodwill of Lakshman1,40,000 X2/7


Share of Goodwill of Lakshman40,000 

Journal Entries: – 

Date  Particulars
L. F.DebitCredit
1.New Partner Capital/Current A/cDr. XXXX 
           To Old Partners Capital/Current A/c  XXXX
 (Being amount of Goodwill adjusted)   




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