Advertising and Personal Selling are the important tools for enhancing the sales of the company. It also helps to the company for promoting the products with their features and generating the revenue. To know more about the differences of both the terms firstly we have to know about meaning of the following terms:
Meaning of Advertising:
Advertising refers to the conversion-focused activities that are directed towards a specific target audience. For example: TV, radio, & newspaper advertisements. In other words we can say that it is an act of making something familiar to the general public through some type of paid media. To Inform, To Remind and To Persuade are the main objectives of advertising.
“Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor”.
-Philip Kotler
Meaning of Personal Selling:
It refers to the face-to-face interaction in which one person who is the salesman tries to persuade the customer for buying the product. The salesman uses his skills and abilities to make a sale.
This is the two way communication process. Here, the seller is personally explaining the need of the products to his customers.
“Personal selling is an ancient art. Effective sales persons have more than instinct; they are trained in a method of analysis and customer management. Selling today is a profession that involves mastering and applying a whole set of principles”.
-Phillip Kotler
“Salesmanship consists of winning the buyer’s confidence for the seller’s house and goods thereby arising a regular and permanent customer”
-G. Blake
The Chart of difference between Advertising and Personal Selling
Points of differences |
Advertising | Personal Selling |
Meaning | Advertising refers to the conversion-focused activities that are directed towards a specific target audience. | It refers to the face-to-face interaction in which one person who is the salesman tries to persuade the customer for buying the product. |
Nature of work | Advertising is a one way communication. | It involves two way communication in which seller and customer both are interacting with each other. |
Form | This is a impersonal form of communication. | This is a personal form of communication. |
Focus | In selling, company focus to produce more and more products. | In this, the seller focus on doing more and more sales. |
Interest | Advertising emphased on creating the interest of the customer. | Personal Selling maintains the consumers interest and sell the products accordingly. |
Strategy | In Advertising the Pull strategy is used. | The Push Strategy is used in Personall selling, because salesman try to convince the customer by explaining the benefits of the product. |
Time | The message is conveyed to the number of people in less time. | The messageis conveyed to a few customers only in relatively high time. |
Feedback | In advertising the seller only show the product or just does the advertisement therefore, he cannot take the feedbackm from the customers. | Due to direct interaction personal selling Facilitates instant feedback. |
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Thus, Advertising is the one way process by which promotion of the product is done. Advertising refers to the conversion-focused activities that are directed towards a specific target audience. For example: TV, radio, & newspaper advertisements. On the other side, Personal Selling is the face-to-face interaction in which one person who is the salesman tries to persuade the customer for buying the product. The salesman uses his skills and abilities to make a sale. According to my view point both the terms have their seperate benefits We cannot say that only one is good and the other one is not.
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