
Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Explained

Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm
Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm


Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm means making some changes in the agreement of partnership between all the partners.


1. What is Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm: –

Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm means when with the consent of all partners they make some fundamentals changes in the Partnership deed. It may when the partners want to change their profit sharing ratio or any partner want to increase or decrease his investment as well as involvement in the business. And in the other condition like an admission of a new partner(s), the retirement/death/insolvency of existing partner(s). 

2. When we need to Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm: –

In the following situation, the firm needs to the reconstitution of a Partnership firm: –

  1. The admission of New Partner(s)
  2. When there is a change in the Profit Sharing Ratio between existing partners
  3. The Retirement of one or more from the existing Partners
  4. In the case of Death or Insolvency of Partner(s)

1. Admission of New Partner(s): – 

When existing partners or firms need more amount of capital to run or expand their business they have the option to add new Partner in the firm by providing him with some share of profit for his investment. 

With the admission of new partners the all thing can be divided into the all partners(including new partners) like share in profit, the involvement of the management of business or day to day operative activities. 


For Example: –

There is three Partner in a firm named X, Y, and Z. The profit-sharing ratio between them is equal to 5:3:2. Now Mr A wants to join the partnership firm and he wants 1/5th share of profit for this. 

So now they have to reconstitute their partnership firm by making changes in the partnership deed(means a formal agreement between partners) in the clause of Number of Partners and their details. also have to make changes in the profit-sharing ratio. 

2.When there is a change in the Profit Sharing Ratio between existing partners: – 

When one or more existing partners want to increase or decrease their share of profit in the business then reconstitution will be performed to fulfil their want. In this process, some of the partners get more share of profit or some of the partners have to sacrifice their share of profit.

For Example: –

There is three Partner in a firm named X, Y, and Z. The profit-sharing ratio between them is equal to 5:3:2 But now they all want to share future profit in equal proportion. 


So now they have to reconstitute their partnership firm by making changes in the partnership deed.

3.The Retirement of one or more from the existing Partners: – 

When one or more existing partners want to get retired from the firm than to distribute his/their shares of profit between the remaining partners then reconstitution will be performed. The partner wants to be get retired because of his age, health issue, or his on will. In this process, all remaining partners will get a share of profit of retiring partner/partners in the old ratio of remaining partners, in the equal ratio or specific new ratio for this purpose only.

For Example: –

There is three Partner in a firm named X, Y, and Z. The profit-sharing ratio between them is equal to 5:3:2. Partner Y wants to get retirement due to his ill health. 

So now they have to reconstitute their partnership firm by making changes in the partnership deed. They have to make changes in the list of all Partners and their profit sharing ratio among the remaining partners. 

4. In the case of Death or Insolvency of Partner(s): – 

When one or more partner died from the existing partners then firm have to distribute his/their shares of profit between the remaining partners then reconstitution will be performed if the existing partners are want to do business as usual. In this process, all remaining partners will get a share of profit of deceased partner/partners in the old ratio of remaining partners, in the equal ratio or specific new ratio for this purpose only. 


For Example: –

There is three Partner in a firm named X, Y, and Z. The profit-sharing ratio between them is equal to 5:3:2.The Partner Mr Z Dead in the Road Accident. 

So now they have to reconstitute their partnership firm by making changes in the partnership deed. They have to make changes in the list of all Partners and their profit sharing ratio among the remaining partners. 

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