
Question 36 Chapter 1 of +2-A – T.S. Grewal 12 Class Part – A Vol. 1

Question 36 Chapter 1 of +2-A
Question No.36 - Chapter No.1 - T.S. Grewal +2 Book Part-A 2019-Solution-min-min


Question 36 Chapter 1 of +2-A


36. Prepare Income and Expenditure Account from the following Receipts and Payments Account of Delhi Nursing Society for the year ended 31st March 2019:

RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st March 2019
Receipts Rs.PaymentsRs. 
To Balance b/d (Cash at Bank)2,01,000By Salaries of Nurses65,600
To Subscriptions 1,11,500By Board, Laundry and Domestic help38,000
To Fees from Non-member 27,000By Rent, Rates and Taxes20,000
To Government Grant1,00,000By Cost of Car2,00,000
To Donations For building Fund1,56,000By Expenses of Car84,000
To Interest 3,800By Drugs and Incidental Expenses67,000
  By Balance c/d (Cash at Bank)1,24,700
 5,99,300 5,99,300

The solution of Question 36 Chapter 1 of +2-A: –

Income and Expenditure Account (for the year ended 31st March 2019)
To Salaries of Nurses 65,600By Subscriptions1,11,5009,00,000
To Board, Laundry and Domestic help 38,000Less: – Donation for Building10,00010,000
To Rent, Rates and Taxes 20,000By Fees from Non-member 27,000
To Expenses of Car 84,000By Government Grant 1,00,000
To Drugs and Incidental Expenses67,000 By Interest 3,800
Add: – O/S Amount12,80079,800   
   By Deficit (Balancing Figure) 55,100
  2,87,400  2,87,400


  • Opening and Closing balance of Cash Account are assets so it will be transferred to Balance sheets.
  • If Donation is got for specific Assets then it will be treated in the Balance sheet. In this question, the donation is received for the Building Fund.
  • Cost of Car is also an asset So, it will be treated in the balance sheet.

Not-for-Profit Organisations – Meaning and Overview

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Also, Check out the solved question of previous Chapters: –

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping +2 (Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication

+2 Book 1-min
Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms


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