
Question 16 Chapter 5 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1 – 2021

Question 16 Chapter 5 - Unimax Class 12 Part 1 - 2021
Question 16 Chapter 5 - Unimax Class 12 Part 1 - 2021


Question 16 Chapter 5 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1 – 2021


16. A and B are partners sharing profits in the ratio 3 : 2. A surrenders 1/6th of his share and B surrenders 1/4th of his share in favour of C, a new partner. What is the new ratio?

The solution of Question 16 Chapter 5 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1

A’s new share =3/5-[1/62 X 3/5]
                      =3/5-1/10 =6-1/10 =5/10
B’s new share =2/5_[1/4 X 2/5]
                      =2/5_1/10 =4-1 =3/10
C’s new share =1/10 + 1/10
New Profit Sharing Ratio = A : B : C
                      = 5 : 3 : 2 Ans.

This is all about the Question 16 Chapter 5 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1. You can check out the following article to better understand:

Change in Profit-Sharing Ratio Among the Existing Partners


You Can also read all above articles in Hindi on our Hindi Website

Change in Profit-Sharing Ratio Among the Existing Partners – In Hindi

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