
Question 12 Chapter 4 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1 – 2021

Question 12 Chapter 4 - Unimax Class 12 Part 1 - 2021
Question 12 Chapter 4 - Unimax Class 12 Part 1 - 2021


Question 12 Chapter 4 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1


12. P and Q share the profits of a business in the ratio of 5 : 3. They agreed to change their profit sharing ratio to 3 : 5. On the date of change the Balance Sheet of the firm was as follows :

Liabilities AmountAssetsAmount
Creditors 1,000Machinery26,000
Employees’ Provident Fund 1,000Furniture18,000
Bank Loan 12,000Stock10,000
Workmen Compensation Fund 2,000Debtors8,000
Contingency Reserve 2,800Bank6,000
P’s Capital 30,000Advertisement suspense A/c800
Q’s Capital 20,000  
  68,800 68,800

There also decide that :
1. Goodwill of the firm be valued at 4 years’ purchase of Super profits. The average super profits of the last three years are Rs. 20,000, while the normal profits that can be earned with Capital employed are Rs. 12,000.
2. Furniture be appreciated by Rs. 6,000 and value of stock to be reduced by 20%. You are required to prepare Revaluation Account, Partners’ Capital Accounts and the Balance Sheet of reconstituted Firm. (Accumulated profits and losses are to be distributed and assets will appear at revalued figures in Balance Sheet.)

The solution of Question 12 Chapter 4 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1

  Revaluation A/c

Particulars Rs.ParticularsRs.
To Stock 2000By Furniture6000
To Profit transferred    
P (4000 X 5/8)2500   
Q (4000 X 3/8)15004000  
  6000 6000

  Capital Accounts


To P’s Capital A/c (Share of goodwill)8000By Balance b/d3000020000
To Advertisement suspense A/c500300By Revaluation A/c (Profit)25001500
To Balance c/d4300015000By Q’s Capital a/c (share of goodwill)8000
   By workmen comp. fund1250750
   By Reserves A/c17501050
 4350023300 4350023300

  Balance Sheet of Reconstituted firm

Liabilities Rs.AssetsRs.
Creditors 1000Bank6000
Bank Loan 12000Debtors8000
Employees provident fund 1000Stock8000
Capital Accounts  Furniture24000
P :43300 Machinery26000
Q :1500058000  
  72000 72000

Working Note :
Calculation of Sacrifice/Gain

Old ShareNew ShareDifference
P                 5/83/82/8 (Sacrifice)
Q                3/85/82/8 (Gain)

2. Calculation of goodwill
Super Profits = Average Profits – Normal Profits
                      = Rs. 20000 – Rs. 12000 = Rs. 8000
Goodwill = Rs. 8000 X 4 = Rs. 32000
Q will pay to P, share of goodwill
i.E (32000 X 1/4) = Rs. 8000, sacrificed by P.


What is Partnership – Meaning and Its 4 Types

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping +2 (Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms)


T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication



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