
Difference between Normal Residents and Non Residents of India

Difference between Normal Residents and Non Residents of India
Difference between Normal Residents and Non Residents of India


The basic difference between normal residents and non-residents of India is the days of residing in India. If a person is residing in India for more than 1 year, he would be considered a resident of India. In contrast, if he resides for less than a year, he would be a non-resident of India.


To know the difference between these two, we must clear the meaning of these terms:

Meaning of Normal Residents:-

Normal residents of a country include:

  1. Citizens and institutions normally residing in a country with economic interest.
  2. With this, Citizens of other nations who live in the country for more than 1 year with some economic interest.
  3. Citizens of the country working in international organizations or embassies in their own country.
  4. And, the citizens of a country living abroad for less than one year with an economic interest lies in the home country.

Meaning of Non Residents:-

Persons which are not treated as normal residents of a country are:

  • Foreign visitors in the country for holidaying, medical treatment, studies, conferences, sports etc.
  • Crew members of foreign vessels, commercial travellers and seasonal workers of the country.
  • Foreigners who are employees of non-resident enterprises and visiting country to install machinery in these enterprises. These people will be considered non-residents as they visit the country for less than a year.

Chart of Difference between Residents and Non-residents of India :

Basis of DifferenceResidents of India

Non-residents of India


Persons ordinarily residing in India with economic interest.

Persons residing in India with no economic interest.
Residing PeriodHere, residing period involves 1 year or more.Here, it is less than 1 year.

Economic interest

A person residing has economic interest lies in IndiaThe person residing doesn’t have any economic interest lies in India.

Embassies workers

Here, the Indians working in foreign embassies are included.Here, the foreigners working in Indian embassies are included.

International organisations

Indian employed in international organisations located in India are included.Foreigners employed in international organisations located in India are included.


In this, the ambassadors for India in the rest of the world are considered. On the other hand, ambassadors in India from the rest of the world are considered.

Significance in National Income

National income includes the income from normal residents of India.National income doesn’t consider income from non-residents.

Download the chart in PNG and PDF: –

If you want to download the chart please download the following image and PDF file:-

Chart of Difference between Residents and Non-residents of India
Chart of Difference between Residents and Non-residents of India
Chart of Difference between Residents and Non-residents of India









Thus, there is a lot of difference between normal residents and non-residents of India. Hence, this difference must be cleared while estimating the national income.


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