Advertising and Public Relation are the important tools for enhancing the sales of the company. It also helps to the company to promote the products with their features and generating the revenue. To know more about the differences of both the terms firstly we have to know about meaning of the following terms:
Meaning of Advertising:
Advertising refers to the conversion-focused activities that are directed towards a specific target audience. For example: TV, radio, & newspaper advertisements. In other words we can say that it is an act of making something familiar to the general public through some type of paid media. To Inform, To Remind and To Persuade are the main objectives of advertising.
“Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor”.
-Philip Kotler
Meaning of Public Relation:
It refers to strategic communication which builds a mutual relationship between the marketer/seller/company and the customer/Public. Public Relations refers to building and maintaining good relations with stakeholders, by having the goodwill in the market etc.
“Building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favourable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavourable rumors, stories and events”.
-Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong
The Chart of difference between Advertising and Public Relation
Points of differences |
Advertising | Public Relation |
Meaning | Advertising refers to the conversion-focused activities that are directed towards a specific target audience. | It refers to strategic communication which builds a mutual relationship between the marketer/seller/company and the customer/Public. |
Nature of work | Advertising is a one way communication. | It involves two way communication in which Marketer and customer both are interacting with each other. |
Form | This is a impersonal form of communication. | This is a personal form of communication. |
Focus | In selling, company focus to produce more and more products. | It mainly focus on Maintaining a good image of the company in the media. |
Interest | Advertising emphased on creating the interest of the customer. | To protect the consumer’s interest is the main function of the company. |
Strategy | Company has full control over advertising the products. | In public relation the company can set up the story, but has very less control on advertising. |
Media | The media is purchased for advertising the products. | There is nothing like advertising. Company buid its own image by proving good quality to the customers. |
Feedback | In advertising the seller only show the product or just does the advertisement. Hence, cannot take the feedback from the customers. | Public Relation is helpful and Facilitates instant feedback from the customers. |
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Thus, Advertising is the one way process by which promotion of the product is done. Advertising refers to the conversion-focused activities that are directed towards a specific target audience. On the other side, Public relation mainly focus on building good relations with the customers for long run success.
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