
Question 44 Chapter 3 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1 – 2021

Question 44 Chapter 3 - Unimax Class 12 Part 1 - 2021
Question 44 Chapter 3 - Unimax Class 12 Part 1 - 2021


Question 44 Chapter 3 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1


44. X, Y and Z are in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2 : 1 : 1. It is agreed that interest on Capital will be allowed @ 5% per annum and interest on drawings will be charged @ 4% per annum. (No interest will be charged/allowed on current accounts).
The following are the particulars of the Capita, Current and Drawings Accounts of partners :

 X (Rs.)Y (Rs.)Z (Rs.)
Capital (1st January, 2021)750004000030000
Current Accounts (1st January, 2021)10000(Cr.)5000(Cr.)5000(Dr.)
Interest on Drawings500250350

The draft accounts for 2021 showed a net profit of Rs. 60000 before taking into account interest on capital and drawings and subject to following rectification of errors :
(a) Life Insurance premium of X amounting to Rs. 750 paid by the firm on 31st December, 2021 has been charged to miscellaneous expenditure account.
(b) Repairs of machinery amounting to Rs. 10000 has been debited to Plant Account and depreciation there on charged @ 20%.
(c) Travelling expenses of Rs. 3000 of Y for a pleasure trip to U.K. paid by the firm on 31st Dec., 2021 has been debited to Travelling Expenses Account.
You are required to prepare the Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st December, 2021. Also show the partners current accounts.

The solution of Question 44 Chapter 3 – Unimax Class 12 Part 1:

Net Profit for 2021 as per accounts60000
Add : Life Insurance Premium750
(wrongly charged to P & L A/c) 
Travelling Expenses for a pleasure trip3000
(Wrongly charged to P & L A/c) 
Less : Repairs of Machinery8000
(wrongly debited to Plant & Machinery A/c 
(10000 – 2000) 
Rectified profit for 202155750

Profit & Loss of Appropriation A/c For the year ended

Particulars Rs.Particulars Rs.
To Interest on Capital  By Net Profit 55750
X3750 By Interest on Drawings A/c  
Y2000 X500 
To Profit transferred to Current A/cs  Z3501100
  56850  56850

Partner’s Current Accounts


To Balance b/d  5000By Balance b/d100005000 
To Drawings157501300010000By Interest on Capital375020001500
To int. on Drawings500250350By Profit & Loss A/c248001240012400
To Balance c/d223006150 By Balance c/d  1450
 385501940015350 385501940015350

What is Partnership – Meaning and Its 4 Types

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping +2 (Vol. I: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Partnership Firms)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Vol. II: Accounting for Companies)

Check out T.S. Grewal +2 Book 2020@ Official Website of Sultan Chand Publication


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