Question 49 Chapter 15 of Class 12 Part – 2 – 2024

Question 49 Chapter 15 of Class 12 Part – 2 – 2024


49. (CFS Showing Operating, Investing & Financing Activities) From the following Balance Sheets, prepare a Cash Flow Statement :

Particulars Note No. 31st March,2018 31st March,2017
I. Equity and Liabilities
 Shareholders Fund :
Equity Share Capital 2,00,000 1,50,000
12% Preference Share Capital 50,000 75,000
Reserves and surplus
General Reserve 35,000 20,000
Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss 24,000 15,000
III. Current Liabilities
Trade Payable 49,500 37,500
3,58,500 2,97,500
II. Assets
Non-Current Assets :
Tangible Assets
Building 60,000 80,000
Plant 1,00,000 40,000
Intangible Assets :
Goodwill 20,000 36,000
Current Assets
Inventories 15,000 10,000
Trade Receivable 1,54,500 1,19,000
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash in hand 9,000 12,500
3,58,000 2,97,500

Prepare a Cash Flow Statement.

The solution of Question 49 Chapter 15 of Class 12 Part – 2 – 2024: –

Cash Flow Statement
(A) Cash Flow from Operating Activities
Net Profit before taxation
Profit as per the statement 9,000
Add: Transfer to General Reserve 15,000 24,000
Adjustments of Non-cash or Non-Operating Items :
Add: Depreciation on Plant 10,000
Depreciation on Building 60,000
Goodwill amortize 16,000 86,000
Cash operating Profit before Working Capital adj. 1,10,000
Add: Increase in Current Liabilities
Trade Payable 12,000  
Less: Increase in Current Assets  
Trade Receivable 35,500  
Inventories 5,000 28,500
Cash used in Operating Activities 81,500
(B) Cash flows from Investing Activities  
Outflow of Cash  
Purchase of Building* 40,000  
Purchase of Plant** 70,000 1,10,000
Net cash used in investing Activities 1,10,000
(C) Cash flows from Financing Activities  
Inflow of Cash  
Share Capital Issued 50,000  
Outflow of Cash  
Redemption of 10% Preference Shares 25,000 25,000
Net cash flow from financing activities 25,000
Net decrease in cash & Cash equivalents (A + B + C) 3,500
Add: cash equivalent in the beginning of year 12,500
Cash equivalent at the end of year 9,000

Working Note

Building Account *
Amount ₹
Amount ₹
To Balance b/d 80,000
By Depreciation
To Bank –Purchase (Bal. fig.) 40,000 By Balance c/d 60,000
1,20,000 1,20,000
Plant Account *
Amount ₹
Amount ₹
To Balance b/d 40,000
By Depreciation
To Bank –Purchase (Bal. fig.) 70,000 By Balance c/d 1,00,000
1,10,000 1,10,000

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