Question 38 Chapter 6 of Class 12 Part – 1 Usha Publication

Question 38 Chapter 6 of Class 12 Part – 1 Usha Publication

Question 38 Chapter 6 of Class 12 Part – 1 Usha Publication

38 (Adjustment of Goodwill without raising Goodwill A/c Partner Loan A/c Journal) A B and C are carrying an business in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 :2: 1 respectively On 31st December, 2018, the Balance Sheet of the firm stood as follows:

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Creditors 13,590 Cash 5,900
Capitals A 15,000 Debtors 8,000
B 10,000 Stock 11,690
C 10,000 Building 23,000
  48,590   48,590

B retired on the following terms:
(i)Building appreciated by Rs.7,000.
(ii) Provision for bad debts is to make at 5% on debtors.
(iii) Goodwill of the firm valued at Rs. 9,000 and adjustment in this respect be made without raising goodwill account..
(iv) Rs. 5,000 to be paid to B immediately and the balance due to him be treated as loan carrying interest @ 6% per annum.
Pass journal entries to record the above-mentioned transactions and show the Balance Sheet of the firm as it would appear immediately after B’s retirement.

The solution of Question 38 Chapter 6 of Class 12 Part – 1 Usha Publication: –

We are providing a solution of Question 38 Chapter 6 of Class 12 Part – 1 Usha Publication in two formats. one is in Video format and another is in article format. Check out both formats as follows:

1. Check out the Solution of this question in Video Format:-

The video consists solution of questions number 38 to 39 Chapter no. 6 class 12 of Usha publication. To check the direct solution of question no. 38 from the flowing video by using time stamps of the video.

Day - 131 | Solution of Questions 38 to 39 Retirement of a Partner Chapter 6 Accounts class 12 PSEB

2. Check out the Solution of this question in Article Format:-

Date   Particulars
L.F. Debit Credit
  Building A/c Dr.   7,000  
  To Revaluation A/c       7,000
  (Being appreciated value of Building recorded in the books)      
  Revaluation A/c Dr.   400  
  To provision for doubtful debts A/c       400
  (Being Provision for doubtful debts created on Debtors)      
  Revaluation A/c Dr.   6,600  
  To A’s capital A/c       3,300
  To B’s capital A/c       2,200
  To C’s capital A/c       1,100
  (Being revaluation on profit )        
  A’s capital A/c Dr.   2,250  
  C’s capital A/c Dr.   750  
  To B’s capital A/c       3,000
  (Being adjustment of goodwill )        
  B’s capital A/c Dr.   5,000  
  To cash A/c       5,000
  (Being part payment to B)        
  B’s capital A/c Dr.   10,200  
  To B’s loan A/c       10,200
  (Being settlement of B’s A/c)        
Partners’ Capital Account 
Particulars A B C Particulars A B C
To B’s capital A/c 2,250   750 By Balance b/d 15,000 10,000 10,000
To Cash   5,000   By Revaluation A/c 3,300 2,200 1,100
To B’s loan A/c   10,200   By A’s capital A/c   2,250  
        By C’s capital A/c   750  
To Balance c/d 16,050 10,350        
  18,300 15,200 11,100   18,300 15,200 11,100
Balance Sheet
Amount Assets Amount
Creditors   13,590 Cash   900
B’s loan A/c   10,200 Debtors 8,000  
Capital     Less Provision 400 7,600
A 16,050   Stock   11,690
C 10,350 26,400 Building   30,000
    50,190     50,190

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End of Solution

Check Out the Solution of all questions of this chapter:

The solution to all questions of Ch 6 Partnership Accounts V (Retirement and Death of A Partner) Class 12 Usha Publication – 2024 is shown as follows, click on the image of the question to get the solution.

Question 1 Chapter 6 of Class 12 Part – 1 Usha Publication

Question 13 Chapter 6 of Class 12 Part – 1 Usha Publication

Question 25 Chapter 6 of Class 12 Part – 1 Usha Publication

Question 37 Chapter 6 of Class 12 Part – 1 Usha Publication

Question 50 Chapter 6 of Class 12 Part – 1 Usha Publication

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Chapter-Wise Solution of Usha Publication Accountancy – Part 1 Class 12 – Session 2024-25 as per the PSEB curriculum

Check out Solutions to all questions of the every chapter shown as under. The Solution of Accountancy – Part 1 Class 12 – Session 2024-25 is provided as per the new book published by Usha Publication.

Chapter No. 1 – Accounting Not-for-Profit Organisations (Deleted from the Syllabus)

Chapter No. 2 – Partnership Accounts – I (Introduction)

Chapter No. 3 – Partnership Accounts – II (Goodwill: Nature and Valuation)

Chapter No. 4 – Partnership Accounts – III (Reconstitution of Partnership)

Chapter No. 5 – Partnership Accounts – IV (Admission of A Partner)

Chapter No. 6 – Partnership Accounts – V (Retirement and Death of A Partner)

Chapter No. 7 – Partnership Accounts – VI (Dissolution of Partnership Firm)

Also, Check out our Comprehensive Chapter-wise solution of Advanced Accountancy Part 1 Class 12 by Unimax Publication

Check out Part 2 of both books.

In Class 12th the accountancy has 2 books i.e. Part 1 and Part 2. The Books related to the Part 1 are shown above. but If you want to know more about Part 2, you can check it out from the following links. We have provided the links to both books i.e. Accountancy Part 2 by Usha Publication and Advanced Accountancy Part 2 by Unimax Publication.

1. Accountancy – Part 2 Class 12 – Session 2024-25 By Usha Publication

2. Advanced Accountancy Part 2 Class 12 by Unimax Publication

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